What makes me disappointed at my Weight Loss

What makes me disappointed at my Weight Loss

Running My Group

My friend runs two groups, a Tuesday is when she runs her first of my group. With Slimming World, you have to update the databases on your computer to be ready for the week ahead. The consultant can weigh in for free once you have done the update (a Handshake). The computer will only tell you how much you weigh. It won’t record the weight anywhere; you can only do this once weekly. Unlike a member, once you have weighed in, you cannot re-enter the card and try again.

I weigh in at home on my home scales. Primarily because I want to ensure that I am prepared for the number I am going to see on the computer. I generally weigh about two hours before the group. This will give me enough time to prepare myself. It’s a lovely little ritual and sets me up for the start of my Slimming World visit. As I have just renewed my membership with another group, I am comfortable with this little ritual.

Disappointed at my Weight Loss – but not too much

I can’t tell you how disappointed at my Weight Loss I was when I stepped on the scales and it said that I had put on 2 pounds. Let’s remember a few days ago, I had lost 3 pounds. I am trying to stay optimistic about this as it’s only a test weight. However, 2 pounds mid-week weigh.

Slimming World consultants are fat

I know that weighing yourself every day or more than once a week can be counterproductive. It can send you off in a whirlwind of emotions, take you off plan, and lead to an unhealthy obsession with the number on the scale. I will not let that happen. I will not allow any weight gain to contribute to a damaging emotional addiction with the number and then put any psychological pressure on me to forget the plan. Planning works, it works for me. So, sitting down and thinking about it, here are my top thirteen reasons you should avoid more than one weigh-in daily a week.

My Top 13 Reasons

  1. Weight Fluctuations are normal: Our weight naturally fluctuates from day to day. Factors that can affect our weight are numerous. Still, factors like hydration, food intake, sodium intake, menstrual cycles (for women), recent meals, hormones, and more will affect the number. These factors don’t reflect changes in body fat or overall health. When individuals see temporary weight gain, they may assume it’s fat gain, leading to unnecessary worry and potentially harmful dietary restrictions. Therefore, daily weigh-ins are misleading and cause undue stress.
  2. Creating an obsession with the scale: This is one I have overcome. I used to weigh daily if not twice a day. To see the difference, this started an unhealthy fixation on the number. It never leads to an eating disorder or poor body image issues, just fascination, but I can see how it would.
  3. Scales have Inaccuracies: Some scales can be imprecise, and weighing yourself at different times or on different scales can yield inconsistent results. How many times have you weighed yourself, then moved the scales for them to give you another number.
  4. Misinterpretation of Trends: Daily weight fluctuations might be misinterpreted as weight gain or loss, leading to unnecessary dietary changes. It can also lead to you forgoing your healthy eating plan and finding solous in high-fat high sugar foods. Daily fluctuations are typically just noise in the data. They don’t necessarily reflect your long-term progress or the effectiveness of your efforts to eat healthily or exercise regularly. When people fixate on daily weigh-ins, they might fail to see the broader picture and mistakenly think they’re failing their weight management goals.
  5. Discouragement: Seeing small daily fluctuations, or even temporary weight gain, can discourage individuals and undermine their motivation.
  6. Psychological Impact: Weight is often closely tied to an individual’s self-esteem and body image. Seeing the number on the scale go up, even temporarily, can trigger negative emotions such as frustration, disappointment, or anxiety. These emotions can be powerful enough to overshadow any positive progress that may have occurred over time.
  7. Increased Stress: The stress associated with daily weigh-ins can release cortisol. This stress hormone may actually hinder weight loss efforts. Elevated stress levels can lead to overeating or making unhealthy food choices as a way to cope with emotional distress.
  8. Negative Self-Image: Frequent fluctuations can contribute to a negative self-image. Individuals may start to view themselves solely through the lens of their daily weight, forgetting about other important aspects of their health and well-being. 
  9. Emotional Impact: For some, daily weigh-ins can negatively affect self-esteem and mental health, leading to anxiety, depression, or a distorted self-image.
  10. Focus on health, not just weight: Health encompasses more than just your weight. Focusing solely on weight might lead you to overlook other important aspects of your well-being, like nutrition, physical activity, and mental health.
  11. Slow progress: Healthy weight loss or fitness improvements are often gradual. Daily weigh-ins can make it difficult to see long-term progress, which can be discouraging.
  12. Body composition: Weight doesn’t accurately reflect changes in body composition (e.g., muscle gain, fat loss). You might be getting healthier even if the scale doesn’t budge.
  13. Sustainability: Daily weigh-ins can be hard to maintain over the long term. Developing sustainable, healthy habits that focus on overall well-being is essential rather than just a number on the scale.

Conclusion in why I am disappointed at my Weight Loss

There you go, a few reasons why you shouldn’t weigh yourself daily or twice a week.

To avoid these negative consequences, it’s often recommended to focus on broader measures of health and progress, such as improvements in energy levels, fitness, dietary choices, and overall well-being. If tracking your weight is essential, consider weighing yourself less frequently (e.g., weekly or monthly) to better reflect meaningful trends and reduce the psychological toll of daily fluctuations.

My official weight will be with the new group and my friend the consultant. There you go, decision made, and I don’t feel stressed about the situation. In fact, I feel really relaxed about the whole thing as I’m not as disappointed at my Weight Loss as I have a plan of action.

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What is the Slimming World Training like?

What is the Slimming World Training like?

Slimming World Training

Who doesn’t love a new week? Full of possibilities. Full of promise and full of ambitious plans. For me, I start at 8:00 a.m. It is always the time to begin to make plans and decide where you want to go. That means deciding which projects I’m going to work on? How to spend the entire week. What training courses will I choose to look at? I like to do a little training each week.

As a Slimming World consultant, my friend is always on some kind of training. In fact, I would go as far as saying the training is relentless. this is the training she had to go through just to become a consultant.

This training starts before you even become a fully fledge SlimmingWorld consultant. You start with what they call pre-training before you go to the sparkly Castle located in Alferton in Derby. This pre-training consists of about 3 hours with a team developer. Her three-hour training lasted four and a half hours at the end of a hectic day. And to this day, she can’t really tell you what it is she learnt. There was so much going on. And in some respects, you got bamboozled with science. They go over your earnings and what you could earn in each group. Obviously, they give you the best-case scenario. The reality is very different, but you only find that out once you run your group.

Slimming World Training as a Franchise

In my friends own word

“After you have ‘signed’ the franchise agreement and paid your money (it doesn’t matter how much you pay for a franchise, as the prices can vary depending on your area and the needs of SlimmingWorld), you still get the same training.

Training at Slimming World

Franchise training takes 8 days. The split is 3, 3 and 2 days. You have to attend each set of training days. All the training she had to participate in was conducted at the ‘Sparkly Castle’. This is just a big office building in Alferton in Derby. From the photos the atrium and the dining area look beautiful. The toilets are also something to behold. But the training is full on. She start at 9:00 – 9:30 in the morning on the first day, and didn’t finish until 5:30. The first few hours of your training are just going over the philosophy of SlimmingWorld.

This is similar to what you did with your team developer in your pre-training meeting. Someone got hold of a management tool on training philosophy, created some rules, and just kept repeating them. I am sure you know the rules I am talking about. This is a safe place to learn. SlimmingWorld is here to support you. We are your best friends. You are so special to be selected to become a SlimmingWorld Consultant, you know the kind of stuff.

Day one

This philosophy is repeated in different forms until 11:30 a.m. or the first break. Then you start to hear more about Slimming World and how it began. How to run a group, and all the other things you need to start your franchise. It’s important to realise that it is a franchise you’re buying. Your own business.

Throughout the day there are planned breaks. Unfortunately, when you return, you have a small recap of what you just learned. After lunchtime, you have another recap. You leave the Sparkly Castle at 5:30.

Day Two

The second day starts, and you are full of vigour, anticipating the new stuff you will learn. You are in the training room at 09.00 a.m., ready to start this exciting day. Then, you have a quick recap of the philosophy of SlimmingWorld and the rules of the training environment, you know, the ones discussed on day one. That takes you to 11:30 a.m. Now, you may be thinking that I’ve just repeated this paragraph. Because that’s what I said happened on day one. You’re absolutely correct. We repeated the same stuff. It was infuriating. On day 2, you leave at about 5:30 p.m.

Day Three

You guessed it, we start with a recap of the philosophy of SlimmingWorld. This is where it starts to feel a little bit like a cult. The training recaps, the philosophy and the be nice to each other. This is a safe place to learn.

From my point of view, it is not a safe place to learn at all. They may have read ‘How to Run a Safe Training Course’ book and listened to a few podcasts, but they have no idea how to implement it. I know several new consultants who asked questions, made a few comments to the trainers and were shot down in uncertain terms. Additionally, they received phone calls from their Team Developers at the next break about what was happening.  

Sadly, these training courses are not a safe place to learn; you cannot be honest with the trainers and ask questions. THEY DON’T LIKE IT. These training courses should be where you can ask silly questions. You can make mistakes and get issues explained. Sadly, all the trainers did was shut the students up, refer them to the manuals, or ask them to ask their Team Developers. They had a set script they wanted to complete, and that was what they would do.

The sad thing is their attitude to training was so closed-minded. It was a shame because they had such a great opportunity with their new consultants to get a great team of people. The training is very much 1980s dictatorial.

Moving On

After you’ve done your first three days, you go and collect your KIT. Exciting times. Two computers and a set of scales. Then, you go and open your first group/session. (I know we have not discussed marketing yet, but we will do). A few weeks later, you return for another three days of training.

Days four, five and six

On day four of your training, you have a recap of SlimmingWorld’s philosophy. I know you’ve already had it on days one, two, and three, and here we are again. Repeated. Now, there are other topics that you will cover, but we can’t forget the recaps. You go through more training. More recaps.

Day Seven and Eight

Yes, more recaps at the Sparkly Castle to finish your training and then you graduate. Graduation then sees everybody taking lots of photographs at the sparkly Castle with cap and gown stating that you are now a fully fledge SlimmingWorld consultant, even though you have been running your group for about four months.


You may think I am flippant about the training and recaps, but it was infuriating. There were some valid questions on Days 1-3 and 4-6, not so many, but you could see people wanted to ask questions, and on Days 7-8, no one really asked what they wanted to know. They asked questions, but not as many as they wished to, as they knew they wouldn’t get the answers.

In addition to this training, you must complete 8 online Diplomas. This is more relevant to your consultant role and very useful. You also have to get in the high 90% to pass. These diplomas were first-class and covered nutrition, business, marketing, and health. This is the stuff that should have been taught at Head Office.

More Slimming World Training

There is more training coming your way. For the first six weeks of becoming a consultant, you have a call with the head office staff to answer any additional questions. Excellent service and very knowledgeable people. I 100% approve.

After those six weeks, your Team Developer will call you, and then you have a 30-minute chat/coaching session with them. These calls will continue until you leave SlimmingWorld. Excellent consultant support. I 100% approve.

Every other month, you have a regional meeting where you discuss new promotions, issues you have, or getting help and support from fellow consultants. I 100% approve. You also get to meet some new consultants, which is quite lovely”. 

Back to Me

Slimming World Training is really good

Slimming World training does appear to be thorough. They look after their consultants, and they want to train them well. Slimming World concentrate on topics that should be covered in Team Meetings and not on these training days. Then repeat everything. A lot of the stuff that most new consultants find out, they find out by default and not through the training, which is a shame.

This Is My Supposition

SlimmingWorld has lost a great opportunity when people are at the Sparkley Castle. A prime example is the new member talk. They don’t really discuss. There is a fantastic opportunity to address many of the questions people on social media have. Why food is not demonised, how we use portion control and give people the power over their eating. It’s just not discussed. It would be fantastic if this was the philosophy SlimmingWorld taught during the Franchise training. Stop with the nicey nicey. Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty. Because the plan is good. The consultants are passionate about their groups. Head Office, you need to give them the tools.

Above and beyond with Slimming World Training

It sound like Slimming World training was dire, and in some respects, it sounds like it. However, in other respects, they do go above and beyond. The support that everyone gets is outstanding. It’s a credit to SlimmingWorld. It’s instant, it’s there. All my friend has to do to speak to the team at Head Office is pick up the phone and they are always happy to talk. Somebody will support her. Helping her. They’ve tried really, really hard to look after their consultants. However, some of the training falls short of what is required.

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What is Slimming World Mid Week Support

What is Slimming World Mid Week Support

Sunday is normally a fantastic day of rest, or so you would think, unless you are a Slimming World Consultant. This is when many consultants spend a few hours doing Slimming World mid week support. I know this, because whenever I ask my friend to come out for a walk on a Sunday, she always refuses as she is doing midweek support. Consultants respect and admire all their members. After all, without their members, they wouldn’t have a business. They want their members to be successful at weight loss. There are six straightforward reasons for this:

  1. If a member loses weight, they will tell family and friends how they did it and hopefully suggest to family and friends that they should join the group if they need to lose weight.
  2. When members reach their goal weight, they are a perfect advertisement for the club.
  3. Consultants take pride in helping their members move from where they were to where they want to be. Either a number on the scales, fitting into a wedding dress or any other goal the member has.
  4. Consultants want the people in the group to be happy and excited about the changes in their lives.
  5. Members are the lifeline of the group, and if you get a few members who love coming and make the group a joy to be in,  other members will come and stay. Not just to lose weight, but for friendship and fun.
  6. The Consultants, like their members, become vested in their lives. They celebrate and support members when times are good and hard.

Slimming World Mid Week Support

Slimming World Mid week support comes in a variety of ways. It can be a general video on Facebook or YouTube. It can be single text messages and emails to each individual member. All messages are personal and encouraging. Commenting on their weight loss that week. Asking if they need any help or support. Depending on your group, this can take an hour to three. It usually takes me about three hours.

This is not to mention individual meetings. My friend has had several one-to-one’s with my members, as they found the plan hard. When she talk to them, it’s not the plan they find challenging, but what is going on at home. Most women find that they have lost themselves in the roles of wife, mother, daughter, employee, etc. They find it challenging to discover who they are and if they like themselves. As one of her members recently told me, Slimming World was the only place she could go to be themselves. It was the one place where they were Katie, and no one was yelling for something. No one wanted anything from her. This was the place she could be herself. Listening to these stories repeatedly reveals that going to and staying in a group is much more than a weight loss programme. Many of these ladies have put everyone first and lost themselves. This is the place where they are trying to find themselves.

Confidence within members

One of the other significant aspects of being a consultant is seeing the confidence growing in each member. A recent widow joined our group and was in tears as she discussed how she put on her weight. Losing her husband was too much for her, and she found comfort in food. She put on the weight and now wants to be the woman she remembers as she faces her grief. It is taking time, but her confidence is growing with each meeting. The way she walks and carries herself. The way she interacts with the group and the friends she makes.

Time for Me

I found that day 10 was a tough day on my eating plan and I am having that feeling where I start to go awry. I am sure you know the feeling. You have been on plan for ages; nothing changes, yet you are still slogging your guts out to stay on plan. McDonald’s and cakes are being advertised on TV; if I never see an advert for chocolate, it will be too soon.

To overcome this 30-minute self-depravation pity party, because that is what it is, I took my dog out for a really nice long walk. We have a rule: I decided on the walk during the week. Usually, it’s walking into work and home again. On weekends, it is her choice, and she knows it. This week, we went on a nature walk. We have several fields near us, and she wanted to explore those. She took her time, and what was meant to be an hour’s walk turned out to be about two hours.

A Childs Scooter

En route, I found a child scooter thrown in the hedge, so I picked it up and started to ride it. It took me back to my youth; anyone looking on would have thought we were mad. I was on a kid’s scooter, and the dog crouched behind me, thinking she would fall off any minute. I didn’t, but it made me smile and lifted my mood. It’s incredible what people will throw away. Last week, I found a new pair of NEXT curtains, just dumped in the hedgerow. I took them home, washed them and now they are in the spare bedroom.

I completed my 10,000-foot falls today, which I know is excellent for my body’s overall health. I’m dedicated to my weight loss journey this week and giving it my all. When I got home, I was pleasantly surprised that the roast chicken was almost ready to be served. I had to set the table, make some gravy (only 3 syns, which is not too bad), and serve up.

Can’t beat a disaster movie for relaxation

After indulging in a satisfying lunch, I decided to dedicate my afternoon to some relaxation and entertainment. I settled in front of the TV, watching a disaster movie. It was the perfect way to unwind and recharge before the impending workweek, a brief escape into the world of fiction and action.

A Movie with Slimming World Mid Week Support

One of the most satisfying aspects of my day was that I successfully adhered to my plan for healthy eating. I’d set out with a clear intention of making mindful and nutritious choices, and I stayed true to my goal. It’s a testament to my commitment to my overall well-being and health. Taking control of my dietary choices and making healthier decisions have become a significant part of my journey, and seeing it through gives me a sense of accomplishment and empowerment.

As the day transitions into the evening, I find myself in a state of optimism and anticipation. While keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for a positive outcome when I step on the scales this week, I’m consciously avoiding putting undue pressure on myself. Weight loss is a journey with its ebbs and flows, and I’ve come to understand that it’s essential to maintain a balanced and sustainable approach.

Staying on the Slimming World Food Optimising Plan

My focus remains on staying committed to my goals, whether they involve making healthier food choices, engaging in regular physical activity, or cultivating a more positive mindset. The results will come, but they’re just one part of the larger picture. What truly matters is the ongoing effort, the daily choices that align with my aspirations, and the persistent dedication to my well-being.

So, as I look ahead to the coming week, I do so with a heart full of hope and determination. Each step towards a healthier me is in the right direction, and I’m excited to continue this journey. Challenges, moments of temptation, and occasional setbacks may exist, but it’s all part of the process. With commitment, patience, and the understanding that every day is a new opportunity to make progress, I embrace the future with open arms, eagerly awaiting its best.

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What is the Slimming World Raffle

What is the Slimming World Raffle

I was still thrilled about my 3-pound weight loss yesterday, so I started to plan what we would eat for today and the rest of the week. Saturday is always a food shopping day, so meal planning becomes even more critical. Before I joined Slimming World, I never really planned my meals, but since joining SlimmingWorld, it has become second nature. We will have a roast on Sunday, so most of the ingredients will be purchased today. As I like fresh vegetables, I always buy them weekly. Meat is from Aldi as they seem to have a better quality meat. Potatoes can be a bit hit-and-miss. I usually get them from Aldi unless Tesco has an offer on them. Other vegetables are purchased from Aldi, Asda and Waitrose. This is also a good time to think about and plan the Slimming World Raffle.

Saturday is also FakeAway night. This is where we select a nationality for our meal; sometimes it’s a homemade MacDonalds, sometimes a Chinese, but tonight it’s Italian. Pasta, bacon and mushrooms with a thick mushroom sauce. It was wonderful, I loved it, and there was enough to save for lunch on Monday.

I made soup

For lunch, I made a homemade leek and potato soup. I’m not sure what I did, but I had some success there. It was my first time making leek and potato soup, and I will make it again.

If you are interested, this is what I did:

Slimming World Raffle leek soup
  • 4 leeks (that’s all I had in the fridge)
  • A small bag of salad potatoes
  • Two vegetable oxo cubes
  • Half an onion.
  • Water.

I’m not a ‘follow a recipe’ type of person, so it’s a case of putting everything in a pan and seeing what happens. Even when I plan a meal, it’s just the basics that I plan and then see what happens. Except for a roast, you don’t mess with a roast.

Back to my leek and potato soup, everything went in a pan, boiled until the potatoes were soft and blended together, using a hand whisk, until nice and smooth. I’m not too fond of lumpy soup. I also added two dairy lea triangle cheeses. We had two slices of bread and a little butter.

Free Food in more ways than one

I am not sure if you have heard of Olio. It’s an app where you can get free fruit and vegetables about to go out of date. Local supermarkets don’t want to put edible food in the bin, so they give it to Olio representatives. These representatives then offer the food for free to anyone who would like it. I have been a member of Olio for some time and have gotten a lot of fruit and vegetables. The leek and potato soup all came from Olio, which means it was free on Slimming World and free financially. A bargain. There are a lot of other apps doing the same thing. You will need to check your local area.

Slimming World Raffle

I wanted to tell you about the Slimming World raffle at any Slimming World Meeting. Whenever you go to a meeting, there will always be a raffle. This is for two reasons firstly it helps to promote healthy eating. Most prizes will be in fruit and vegetables, often with a recipe attached. Other times, it could be a gadget to help you cook better meals. I have also seen raffles of various drinks to indicate what you can drink and how you can make drinks a little more exciting (even without alcohol).

The raffle is a vital part of the meeting as it’s from this pot of money, the consultant will purchase further raffle prizes, and all of the tea, coffee and milk members drink during meetings.

Often, a group will have a taster evening where members bring in their favourite slimming world meal. The fund will also help purchase cutlery, crockery, napkins and cups. Although the raffle is a form of gambling, all Slimming World groups can run the fund up to £50. The fund is the property of the group and not the consultant. To be clear, the group owns the money, and the consultant manages it.

Slimming World Raffle Prizes

Finding prizes can be difficult. My friend, the Slimming World Consultant, is always looking for prizes. She has to find the right balance of spending. Just enough money to make the award substantial so that members want to buy a ticket and cheap enough that the Social Fund has enough money to purchase other items for the group that may be needed.

Out of this fund, the consultant will also purchase additional food diaries and weight loss certificates. All of these things have to be bought from Slimming World. Having said that, Slimming World does provide the stickers members receive.

This little pot of money has a big responsibility and has to be managed carefully. The pot for my group runs typically at about £25.00. However, the post owes me £65.00, so I am subsidising all the teas, coffees, certificates and raffle prizes. I don’t think members realise how important it is. This week, our group took a total of £5.00 because many members were away on holiday. Prizes, milk, and coffee came in at £8.96. If there is no money in the pot, she will have to cover it.

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Slimming World Consultants are Fat and Members

Slimming World Consultants are Fat and Members

Slimming World Consultants are Fat

The day before, the significant weigh-in is always a mix of anticipation and determination. It’s that juncture in the week when you eagerly await the results of your efforts, yet there’s a twinge of apprehension, too. You wonder if the scale will reflect your dedication and choices during the week. The Slimming World approach is unique because it encourages members to embrace a generous and wholesome diet. It’s not about deprivation, but about making mindful selections. This concept sometimes poses a challenge because you consume ample food while striving to shed those extra pounds. It’s easy to forget you’re on a healthy eating journey. However, that’s where discipline and accountability come into play.

Throughout the week, I’ve been consciously aware of my goals. The awareness that I’m on this journey for my well-being and to set an example for my group as a member of the social team. It has remained at the forefront of my mind. Each pound I aim to lose isn’t just a personal victory; it’s a testament to the effectiveness of the Slimming World approach that I can share with everyone. So, as I approach the weigh-in, I know acutely that my progress helps to help others in my group succeed, fostering an environment of motivation, support, and collective achievement. Not only that, as each member signs in, they always ask how I did. Being honest, I tell them.

A Consultant is also a member

Every Slimming World consultant, including my friend, is a member of Slimming World and must pay for their attendance fee at group sessions. It’s a common misconception that consultants receive their membership for free, but that’s not the case. I think that Slimming World believe in leading by example and consultants actively taking part in the Slimming World community, which includes paying our way.

Even if a consultant has achieved significant weight loss, like my friend, she lost 4 stone 5 pounds, and is near her target weight, she is still responsible for the cost of group attendance. In fact, it’s encouraged by Slimming World that consultants attend a separate group to fully experience the benefits of Image Therapy, which is a valuable part of the program. A few consultants choose to weigh in at their own group for convenience and continuity.

To acknowledge their commitment and ensure consultants continue to lead by example, consultants receive a discount on their membership fees. This discount is based on the number of paying members in their group, ranging from 35% to 50%. While they receive this discount, Slimming World still gets a portion of the fee, making it a fair arrangement.

This policy aligns with their dedication to the program and ongoing support for our members. Consultants actively take part in the Slimming World journey alongside those they guide, reinforcing that everyone in this together, sharing our successes and overcoming challenges as a united community. Depending on the number of members you have will depend on the percentage you earn.

A Members weekly fee is £5.95

  • 35% discount gives £1.79 off your membership – still pay £4.16
  • 40% discount gives £2.38 off your membership – still pay £3.57
  • 45% discount gives £2.68 off your membership – still pay £3.27
  • 50% discount gives £2.98 off your membership – still pay £2.97

If you purchase a 6-week countdown, your membership will be

Your 6-week fee would be £29.75

  • 35% discount gives £10.41 off your membership – still pay £19.34
  • 40% discount gives £11.90 off your membership – still pay £17.85
  • 45% discount gives £13.39 off your membership – still pay £16.36
  • 50% discount gives £14.88 off your membership – still pay £14.87

If you purchase a 12-week countdown, your membership will be

Your 12-week fee would be £59.50

  • 35% discount gives £20.83 off your membership – still pay £38.67
  • 40% discount gives £23.80 off your membership – still pay £35.70
  • 45% discount gives £26.87 off your membership – still pay £32.63
  • 50% discount gives £29.75off your membership – still pay £29.75

Slimming World Consultants are Fat

There is considerable debate about slimming world consultants being overweight and stating that they do not have a good image for the brand. I agree with some respect, but what isn’t known or understood is where that consultant started. You are not permitted to begin your Slimming World training until you are 1 stone, (14 pounds) away from your target weight. For some of consultants, that is almost 2 years of hard work. This represents two years of dedication, understanding, and working on the plan. Helping fellow members, supporting them through the tough days, and being part of a thriving and successful slimming group. Consultants don’t just decide one day to change careers. They have been involved in the weight loss process and come from a lot of experience and knowledge.

It is no secret that many of the opponents of Slimming World, usually a fit 20-something who is a personal gym coach, lifestyle coach or health coach, have become obsessed with the fact that some consultants within Slimming World have gained weight. Just like everyone else, they face weight fluctuations and are currently in the process of managing their weight. It’s worth noting that many of these dedicated individuals have experienced changes in their weight due to personal factors such as pregnancy, health issues, and other life circumstances.

In my opinion – Why Slimming World Consultants are Fat

We must approach this matter with the utmost compassion and respect. Criticising someone for their weight when they’re actively addressing this issue is not only unforgivable but also lacks respect and, frankly, shows how crass they are. I wouldn’t consider making unsolicited comments about someone’s appearance on the street or within our community. I believe it’s essential that we extend the same courtesy to Slimming World Consultants.

It’s essential to recognise that Slimming World consultants are deeply knowledgeable about the program, have a thorough understanding of its principles, and are dedicated to following the plan, just like any other member. They are not exempt from the challenges and journeys that come with weight management; in fact, they are actively pursuing their own weight goals with unwavering determination.

As a community, it is our responsibility to cultivate a culture of kindness, empathy, and unwavering support for one another. Instead of criticising or belittling those who have taken on the formidable task of weight loss, we should celebrate their efforts and resilience. We should stand together as a united front, understanding that every journey is unique, and each individual is striving for personal success.

Slimming World consultants are not only guides but also fellow travellers on this road to better health and well-being. They have experienced their share of ups and downs, faced challenges, and celebrated their successes. Their commitment to the program is a testament to their dedication, and we should applaud their courage and perseverance.

Let’s remember that kindness and encouragement can make a world of difference in someone’s weight loss journey. By fostering a supportive community, we create an environment where everyone feels valued and empowered to achieve their goals. So, instead of repeating the narrative that Slimming World Consultants are fat, let us stand together, hand in hand, as we navigate the path to a healthier and happier life.

A recent Consultants Story

I read recently of a consultant who had lost 8 stone in weight. They had done so well and loved the plan, so they became consultants. Unfortunately, her parents became ill, and she was the sole career. Her mum died, leaving her to look after her dad, who had dementia. As a result, she put on a One stone seven pounds. Her focus had been removed from her and placed on her family. She was covering a group, and one of the members came in and had lost a lot of weight, and she complimented her. This member turned to the consultant and said, “Well, it looks like you have been at the pies. Put all your weight back on again”. This consultant continued with the group and was in tears all the way home. is this any way to treat a fellow human being.

Slimming World Consultants give so much to their groups, this attitude is so unfair and to be honest disgraceful.

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