What is a Slimming World Visitor?

What is a Slimming World Visitor?

One of the core values of Slimming World is that each consultant should always be on the lookout for new members. The new members will ensure that the consultants’ group will continue to grow, and their Slimming World Franchise business will succeed. Therefore, all consultants will continually ask members to bring visitors along. The title often referred to here is BAMGAWF – or Bring A Member, Get A Week Free – it’s easier to say Slimming World Visitor.

What isn’t commonly known is that anyone who is thinking of becoming a member has the opportunity to come to the group, sit and listen to the ‘New Member Talk’ where the plan is explained (for those unsure of the plan, you can find an explanation here), stay for a session of Image Therapy, (Image Therapy is described here) and then make an informed decision about joining a Slimming World group. Significantly, visitors are not pressured to commit to a membership. I know it can be intimidating when you first walk into a new group of people. However, I would advise anyone to consider joining a group to listen to the New Member Talk and Image Therapy and then decide. Every consultant aims to create a welcoming and understanding environment, allowing individuals to make choices that best suit their weight loss journey.

Let’s be honest about Slimming World Visitors.

When anyone embarks on a weight loss journey, their decision is massive. It signifies a desire for change, a commitment to adopting a healthier lifestyle and prioritising their health and well-being. They have decided to change their appearance, want to make some lifestyle changes and prioritise their health. This can be a big decision.

It is crucial to decide which weight loss programme to choose. There are many eating plans out there. Some are fads, some are just strange and others just bonkers. Then there are the sensible ones, who you know have a track record of working for people. Each plan will have their fans and their haters. It is down to everyone to make up their own mind.

Here’s the secret to weight loss.

I will say that if you want to lose weight, you must have a calorie deficit.

A fundamental principle underpins any successful weight loss plan – the concept of a calorie deficit. However, achieving a calorie deficit means spending more calories than you consume, creating a gap between the energy your body uses and the energy it receives from food. This is the cornerstone of every weight programme.

Now, you might wonder why a calorie deficit is so crucial. Allow me to be side-tracked for a few minutes and explain its significance (for a more comprehensive understanding, read this article).

In brief

Calories are units of energy that come from the foods and beverages we consume. Our bodies use this energy for various functions, from basic physiological processes like breathing and digestion to more energy-intensive activities like physical exercise. Everyone has a specific number of calories to maintain their current weight, known as their maintenance calories, BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate).

When you consume more calories than your body spends, this excess is stored as fat, leading to weight gain. Alternatively, when you consume fewer calories than your body requires, you create a calorie deficit, which triggers your body to use its stored fat for energy, ultimately resulting in loss.

What is important is how you are going to achieve that calorie deficit. For me, it is by joining Slimming World and getting help and support from my consultant and friends in the group. Yes, it’s complex, and sometimes there is a bit of FOMO (fear of missing out). However, it works for me.

Why be a Slimming World Visitor

It’s simple: meet the consultant at any Slimming World session. If you don’t like the consultant or feel that the consultant is not for you, then you won’t get the full advantage of the group. Meet the members. Are they welcoming and friendly? I have been to groups where the consultant dismisses other Slimming World visitors, which is so sad. They should welcome everyone equally. They do not know who you know and why you are visiting the group (you can visit any group to weigh in the country if you cannot attend your own group). I have also been to groups where the consultant is welcoming, but the group is so cliquey I felt uncomfortable.

Slimming World Visitor

Therefore, it is essential to meet the group and try. Maybe Slimming World is not for you. That is fine, but you won’t know that until you try. This plan fits in with me as I refuse to change everything about my eating, but I will be happy to make a few changes to lose weight. Weight loss is essential and a top priority for me sometimes! But it’s not my life. I want to go to a group where I can laugh and feel passionate about myself and my weight loss when I leave the group. Nevertheless, I also want a group where I can feel part of the team. I am on my group’s social team. (for a full understanding of the role of the social team, read this article).

Members bringing a Slimming World Visitor get rewarded.

For members, there is an advantage of bringing a slimming world visitor. At certain times of the year, Slimming World makes an offer to members to bring visitors along. During this promotional period, if a member gets a visitor to Slimming World and becomes a member, the original member is entitled to a week’s free membership. If a member brings along 6 new members, then that is 6 weeks free. This is great for the members but not so good for the consultant. The consultant only gets paid for the number of paying members in the group. If you are a lucky member with a week’s free membership, the consultant will make no commission from your attendance.

A Consultant View of Slimming World Visitors

As many of you may know, my friend is the consultant of the group I attend, and I get most of my information from her and watching the group. My friend loves to have new members. She is so cheerful and pleased to give her members a free session. She often overrides back membership fees and knows times are hard for everyone. The only issue is that her takings are very low. If there is a room of 40 people and only 30 are paying, she often goes home with an income below minimum wage. Check out this article for how much a Slimming World Consultant earns. It’s just not very much.

My Slimming World Journey

As for my Slimming World journey, I remain committed and motivated, striving to adhere to the plan. My major challenge lies in the evening, mainly between 7 pm and 9 pm. I diligently maintain a balanced approach to my meals throughout the day, but the evenings are tricky. To curb my cravings, I’ve incorporated a nightly ritual of enjoying a hot chocolate and adding a dash of Bailey’s for that extra kick. It adds up to four syns but is a delightful and worthwhile indulgence.

My goal for the week is to achieve a one-pound loss, although I initially aspired to shed two pounds. Weight loss remains a priority for me, albeit not an all-consuming one. I seek a balance, allowing me to take part in a group where laughter is common. I aim for a sense of passion for self-improvement that accompanies me after each group session. Furthermore, I appreciate the importance of feeling like part of a team and actively engaging as a social team member within my group. You can find more information about the social team here.

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Slimming World and the Social Team

Slimming World and the Social Team

Today, I want to discuss how Slimming World Group operates and why members are essential. It’s all to do with the Slimming World Social Team.

What can I say about the wonders that are the Social Team? They are just magnificent, I know because I have been a member of the Slimming World Social Team for about four years in different groups. Without our care and dedication, any Slimming World Group would be a disaster. I cannot overstate the incredible value and indispensable role played by the Social Team of Slimming World groups. Their dedication and unwavering commitment to the success of each Slimming World Group are nothing short of magnificent. These unsung heroes are the glue that holds the group together, and with their care and tireless efforts, any Slimming World gathering would undoubtedly be a disaster. Like I said, four years as an unsung hero.

Consultants are not Magicians

Imagine if the Consultant had to perform all these roles; it would take ages, and people wouldn’t stay. The indispensable person handles payments, ensuring that administrative matters run smoothly (me). Another dedicated individual diligently tracks the weight progress of members, providing crucial support and motivation. In addition, there’s often someone responsible for managing the shop, ensuring members have access to the resources they need to succeed on their weight loss journey. You might find the indispensable tea and coffee maestro in larger groups who energise everyone.

Slimming World Social Team

Yet, the responsibilities of the Social Team extend far beyond these essential roles. The unsung champions arrive early to help set up the meeting room and stay late to ensure everything is put away neatly. It’s a collaborative effort transforming each meeting into a warm, welcoming, and organised environment.

Slimming World Social Team Members

Even more remarkable is that the Social Team members do all this voluntarily, without monetary compensation. Instead, their rewards come in the form of praise from the Consultant and the eternal gratitude of all group members. Their selflessness is a testament to their genuine desire to support and uplift the Slimming World community.

It’s heart warming to know that some Slimming World Consultants go above and beyond to express their appreciation for the Social Team’s hard work. Some Consultants generously cover the membership fees of these dedicated individuals, ensuring they can fully participate in the program themselves. Others take the time to celebrate birthdays and holidays, showering the Social Team with thoughtful gifts and gestures of kindness. Consultants find various ways to say “thank you” to these remarkable individuals, recognising their invaluable role in the group’s success.

Physically Demanding

Moreover, it’s essential to acknowledge the physical demands that the Slimming World Social Team members often face. Many Slimming World Consultants are a bit older, and lifting tables and chairs can be physically taxing. The effort they put into creating a comfortable and inviting meeting space is a labour of love, and they certainly get a workout while doing so.

Slimming World Social Team

To all the members of the Social Team, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks and admiration. We are nothing short of marvellous, and our contributions make each Slimming World Group a welcoming and supportive community. Our dedication and selflessness are the cornerstones of success, and the group wouldn’t be the same without us. Our efforts transform Slimming World from a weight loss program into a family where everyone supports and uplifts one another on the journey toward better health and well-being. Thank us for being the unsung heroes who make it all possible.

I humbly doff my cap!

My Reflections on My Slimming World Journey This Week

Today was my group, and I must admit, it wasn’t quite the weigh-in result I hoped for. I put on half a pound.

To put things in perspective, when I weighed myself earlier in the week, my scales showed a gain of almost two pounds. But you know what? The magic of our Slimming World group is that it offers a true and honest reflection of our progress. So here it is, in all its unfiltered glory: a half-pound gain. It stings a bit, but it’s just a blip on the radar of my overall weight loss journey.

This week, I aimed to lose three pounds and reach my target. Well, life had other plans, it seems. And that’s perfectly okay. Weight loss is not always a linear journey. It’s filled with ups, downs, and plateaus, but that makes it real.

Now, here’s where things got a bit interesting. During our group meeting, I had a blast from the past when an old networking colleague recognised me. Of all places at Slimming World. We started chatting and are making arrangements to meet up for a coffee. Isn’t it funny how life surprises you sometimes?

Excuse Me in Week Three

As Image Therapy began, I had to excuse myself as a client needed my help urgently, and my phone was ringing off the hook. I’m sure many of you can relate to the juggling act we perform between work, family, and personal goals. We all have bills to pay and responsibilities to meet; sometimes, life’s interruptions are inevitable.

I’m committed to staying on course with my Slimming World journey. Life will throw its curveballs, but how we navigate them truly matters. Slimming World has helped me lose over 4 and a half stone. It’s been there through all the ups and downs, providing support, encouragement, and a safe space to share my experiences.

So, as I reflect on this week’s weigh-in, I remind myself that progress is not always measured by the number on the scale. It’s about the choices we make, the lessons we learn, and the determination to keep moving forward, no matter what life throws our way. Although this journey would have been nicer if I was a pound lighter or had a maintain. I am just like everyone else and want to lose that last 10 pounds. I want to look in the mirror and say what I did. Didn’t I do well? I want to stand up before my members to say, I did it, so can you. We are a team, and together, no one can stop us.

Next week is a new week, so come back for more updates on my Slimming World adventure, and remember, we’re in this together! Let’s embrace the journey, celebrate the victories, and learn from the setbacks. See how positive I am here. I will take this with me into next week and into my groups. We will be rock stars.

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Slimming World and the Banana Debate

Slimming World and the Banana Debate

The Banana Debate is one of the many arrows often thrown at Slimming World. I have been putting this off as it annoys me beyond despair. So, let’s start at the beginning. On day one (link here), we discussed what Slimming World is and what the plan is all about. I introduced how the plan works, what foods are, and how Slimming World categorise them. I comprehensively explained the plan without breaking any rules or regulations. In this post, I am going to do the same thing. I will be genuine and honest and never sugar-coat what I think or say here. This is my understanding of the Slimming World plan and how it has been explained.

The Arrow Brigade with Slimming World and the Banana Debate

I can’t think of another way to phrase the attacks Slimming World gets. The Arrow Brigade is my chosen term. It’s aimed at those who don’t enjoy Slimming World and always discuss bananas. To be fair, there are so many other things they could attack Slimming World on, but this issue is ridiculous and shows that they do not understand what Slimming World is trying to say. From my research, the Arrow Brigade have also been members of Slimming World and have lost a lot of weight. Some have put the weight back on, in which case they didn’t work the plan. They went on a DIET. Those who kept most of their weight off are now on a different DIET or selling their nutritional programme or gym/workout plans.

Let’s begin

Within the eating plan of Slimming World, you eat whatever you want. And I mean whatever you want. NO foods are banned. No foods are demonised. Despite what the new nutrition coaches selling their own nutritional or fitness classes.

If you ask any slimming World Consultant, they will all tell you that eating a fresh banana is one of our free foods. No one disagrees with that. Go and enjoy your banana. Now, once you manipulate that banana, by this, we mean mashing it with a fork. It becomes a syn. But hold on, there is more to this than meets the eye, so let me begin.

Portion Control

Those same 20/30 something will also tell you that Slimming World doesn’t teach portion control. The Banana debate is the perfect example of this. Portion Control is monitoring the amount of a particular type of food that you eat. A Portion generally is much smaller than you would think. A whole banana is a perfect portion of a fruit, just like a fresh orange or an apple.

When you mash a banana, you reduce the size of the banana visual. Additionally, instead of taking a few minutes to eat a whole fresh banana, when it is mashed, the time you take to eat that banana is seconds. This is where it gets a little technical, and I need to introduce you to two hormones: Leptin and Ghrelin.

Leptin – Slimming World and the Banana

Eating a fresh banana releases the hormone Leptin.

“Leptin is a hormone your adipose tissue (body fat) releases that helps your body maintain your normal weight on a long-term basis. It does this by regulating hunger by providing the sensation of satiety (feeling full). Quote from the National Library of Medicine

Leptin’s main function is to help regulate the long-term balance between your body’s food intake and energy use (expenditure). Leptin helps inhibit (prevent) hunger and regulates energy balance so that your body doesn’t trigger a hunger response when it doesn’t need energy (calories).

Ghrelin – Slimming World and the Banana

The other hormone you should know is Leptin, opposite, Ghrelin.

‘Ghrelin is a multifaceted gut hormone which activates its receptor, growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHS-R). Ghrelin’s hallmark functions are its stimulatory effects on food intake, fat deposition and growth hormone release. Ghrelin is famously known as the “hunger hormone”. Quote from the National Library of Medicine

In short, Leptin tells you that you are full so that you should stop eating, and Ghrelin tells you that you are still hungry. 

Let’s get back to Slimming World and the banana debate. If you eat a fresh banana, your body releases Leptin, and one banana can be satisfying. If you mash a banana, you eat it in seconds. Your body doesn’t release Leptin but will still have Ghrelin running around telling you-you are hungry. As a result, you could potentially eat two, three, or even four bananas in one sitting.

Slimming World and the Banana

Stated another way, one medium banana has 96 calories. If you have two or three bananas because one mashed banana has not satisfied your hunger, you are eating 288 calories. I want to remind you of our discussion about calories in this blog (link here).

Having said the above, if you decide to have a banana sandwich and mash the banana up to go between your two slices of bread or in a wrap, you wouldn’t syn that banana as you only have one banana, portion control. You have to have some common sense about this.

To the 20/30 something’s, if you didn’t understand this in your group, then I would suggest that you didn’t understand the philosophy of Slimming World, you didn’t take the time to talk to your consultant about why, and your misunderstanding is your own and not everyone else.

Back to me Now

So, leaving the Slimming World and the banana debate behind, how am I going with my plan? I am still looking forward to my weigh-ins. I have tried to stick to the plan as best as possible, but honestly, I haven’t been as good as I should have been. My addiction is sugar. If it’s in chocolate, cake or Haribo. I’m there. I wish it wasn’t, but I am trying to control it. I have eaten so much fruit this week to get that sugar fix, and I feel slightly bloated.

I enjoy the plan and love it when I have planned my meals and know I don’t have to think about food all the time. Work has been running away with me this week, so some of my lunches have been grab-and-go. This week, I will tell the truth.

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Slimming World Member dislikes her group – but…

Slimming World Member dislikes her group – but…

As an organisation, Slimming World is passionate about its members. They want each member to feel special, supported, and welcomed. All the consultants I have met also feel the same way. They want their members to have a wonderful time when in the group. Slimming World Consultants want their members to achieve their target and have the body they dream of. This is why I was shocked when I met a Slimming World Member dislikes her group.

Uphill struggle when a Slimming World Member dislikes her group

I was helping my friend in a different group this week. This meant I got up at 5 a.m. on a Saturday after working 65 hours at my regular job and helped her run this cover group. The drive was about 20 miles, in the next town, as a local group had lost their regular consultant a few months ago. All the consultants in the area are rallying around to help support the members to ensure they still have a group to go to. To help members stay focused on their weight loss journey and offer guidance.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not after praise. I offered to help my friend as she helps me in so many other ways. And she is a friend and that’s what friends do.

It’s an early start to support Members

Normally, when you arrive at a venue, the Social Team will usually help the covering consultant set up and pack things away. It makes life so much easier, and the volunteers on the Social Team are indeed sent from heaven for their help and support. Without them, the group would not run as smoothly. That’s me, sent from heaven!

With this group, as it is such an early start, the doors open at 8 a.m., means the Slimming World Consultant needs to be there at 7 a.m. to set up. We did all the heavy lifting together. We got 30 chairs, tables, the kit, set up the kitchen and prepared the hall for a warm welcome. The first member arrived at about 7:50 a.m. To be fair, she did help set up the remaining chairs and signs.

This was a double session, meaning the first group would arrive at 8 a.m. and the next at 9:30 a.m.

Members in the First group were a dream. They laughed and enjoyed the meeting, and four members came up after the group to thank my friend and said they now feel inspired and are looking forward to the week ahead. I was slightly chuffed for her and gave her a pat on the back. I won’t repeat what she said to me, but I am sure you can guess.

It’s the scale’s fault

The second group of members arrived, and the first few ladies were lovely. They came in and weighed. Chatted and welcomed us to their group. One lady sat at the weigh station and took care of all the weighs, and we had a good chat. Then things went downhill. One member arrived and just kicked off. She got on the scales, promptly got off, and said,

‘The scales are wrong again; I have been perfect on plan, and they are showing I have put on 3 pounds. That’s not right. I am fed up with coming to the group with different consultants who bring different scales each week. They put them in different places, and they always weigh differently. At home, I lost this week.

She continued:

‘It’s not what I pay my money for, and quite frankly, I want a better consultant’.

I have to be honest; that floored me for a few seconds. I had said hello to her moments before and she was very pleasant. This reaction was unexpected and a little over the top. I felt so bad for my friend. She smiled and tried to engage her in conversation about her week and what she had done. She wasn’t having any of it.

I over heard one of the other ladies in the group approached her, as I was dealing with another member and asked what she meant by that, and she replied that it’s not fair that we get different consultants all the time, and the scales are different each time. This knight in shining armour suggested that she think about what she has just said and that maybe she should reword her comments. She then changed what she said to the real meaning of her statement.

I am fed up with coming to the group and not being supported by a permanent Slimming World Consultant.

Slimming World Member dislikes her group and I understand why

I understand this. If it were me, I would be upset as a member if I had different consultants each week. This showed me that a Slimming World group is more than just a consultant standing up in front of everyone, asking how they are. It’s about creating a community. A place of safety where we can discuss our issues. This lady felt overwhelmed by the number displayed on the scale, but in reality, she was overwhelmed by the situation. My friend works so hard to ensure all her group members are heard all the time.

Life is hard, and what she is looking for is stability. This lady wants a place where she can go to, and be herself, where she is not a wife, a mother, a sister, or a daughter. She is an individual, and she wants to be recognised for her successes and wins. If she does put on weight, she wants to discuss it with a friend who won’t judge her and will support her. This is what a Slimming World group is all about. There is never any judgement within group. It is a place to be yourself; if you have a bad week, you can tell everyone they will be there for you.

When she left the group, she was smiling and accepted some tools my friend gave her. She had a plan in place and was looking forward to the week. I will see her next week if she turns up.

A New Consultant

There was also a discussion in the group about not having a permanent consultant, and she needed to hear an explanation from my friend, a Slimming World representative. She wanted to hear that she understood her frustrations and that although she was a good consultant, my friend is not her consultant. Which makes a massive difference. This group will get their consultant in a few weeks. She is currently on her training courses with Slimming World, so this matter shouldn’t arise again.

When we got in the car, I asked her about the situation; she was kind to the woman. She said that she was just frustrated with her weight increase, had gone off plan and was hitting out at the nearest obstacle. In this case, it was her, and she doesn’t take it personally.

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Slimming World for Free with the NHS: Health, Well-being

Slimming World for Free with the NHS: Health, Well-being

Slimming World Collaboration with the NHS: Health, Well-being, and Slimming World for Free

One of the most remarkable features of Slimming World, which has long resonated with me and is one reason I returned to Slimming World, is its collaboration with the National Health Service (NHS). These two organisations offer a cost-effective weight loss program to those who need and want to lose weight. This incredible initiative, known as “Slimming World on Referral” (SWOR), offers the opportunity to those who satisfy the criteria, usually a recommendation from their doctors to lose some weight, to get 12 weeks of Slimming World for free. You read that correctly you can join your local Slimming World group for free.

The SWOR program presents a 12-week free membership with Slimming World, available to individuals across the United Kingdom. During these 12 weeks, participants can potentially achieve a remarkable transformation, with the potential to lose up to 10% of their body weight when they actively follow the plan (depending on your starting weight).

How you can access Slimming World for Free

To access the Slimming World for free program, you only need a referral from your local doctor’s. Alternatively a designated organisation within your county. This ensures that your weight loss journey is well-suited to your specific health goals and requirements. The initial assessment may involve questions about your weight, health status, and aspirations for weight loss.

In some areas of the country, you can bypass the doctor’s Surgery and go directly to the umbrella organisation running the SWOR programme on behalf of the NHS and Slimming World. (Just type in Slimming World for free and your county in Google or any other browser). You will be issued a passcode once you have met the criteria.

This unique and forward-thinking collaboration between the NHS and Slimming World stands as a beacon of hope and a testament to the growing recognition of the importance of addressing weight-related health concerns. It offers an exemplary model for enhancing overall well-being through personalised weight management programs, nurturing empowerment, and promoting a healthier, happier life.

Once you have your Code

The patient must pass this passcode to the consultant when they arrive at the group. From then on, no one will ever mention your participation in the SWOR program again. Patients who are nervous about the members finding out about the referral need not worry. No one ever knows about the referral. The consultant will enter the code on their payment tablet. The patient, now a member, gets complete access to all Slimming World tools and the support of the group and consultant.

Shall we talk about money concerning Slimming World for Free?

As this is a referral, the consultant will receive a percentage of the fee directly from Slimming World (the percentage rate will depend on the number of paying members you have in your group; check out this post for more information here). Slimming World receives a fee directly from the NHS for the member. The consultant will not get paid if the member does not attend the group. Payment for a consultant with 40 members for a member on referral is circa £2.68 per person per meeting. If they only turn up for one session, the consultant will only receive £2.68. if the member turns up for 8 meetings, they will receive £21.44. (To check out the percentages a Slimming World Consultant earns, you may be interested in this article Weight Loss with a Slimming World Consultant and Empowering Women with Food Optimising).

Many people who join the Slimming World for free are dedicated to their weight loss and turn up regularly and have great success. However, a few people will turn up for the first week or two and then will sporadically turn up and become disappointed when their 12 weeks are up, and they can no longer come to Slimming World. It is explained to them that they need to come every week and cannot select which 12 weeks they want to come.

What happens after the 12-weeks of Slimming World for Free?

Then when the referral period ends, the member can change to become a regular member. All payment options, paying weekly or buying a 6 or 12-week countdown, will be available to them. Slimming World on referral is an excellent way for people to start their weight loss journey and get help, support and encouragement from their consultant and community.

A Difficult Conversation

Today I have had to make a business decision about my weight loss journey. Unfortunately, it is a financial and time decision. Unfortunately, the new group meeting I joined is on a Friday. After two weeks, I have discovered that this is not working for me. I’ve got too many clients asking for help and support. I have too many commitments on a Friday. My day starts at 5:30 a.m. on Friday with business networking and client work. That means I can’t stay in the group. The whole idea of going to a different group was that I could state image therapy. I could turn my phone off, but I find that more distracting. Probably a bit of FOMO.

I had to tell my friend that I can’t join her Friday group and what’s more, step down as a member of her Social Team. Not to worry she said, come to my Tuesday evening group. It’s closer to where you live. You can stay on the Social Team as I was looking for a new Pay Person anyway. What could I say…

Tuesday – My weight loss journey – Week Two

I went to an evening group and weighed in. I didn’t want to go to an evening group because I will be out 4 evenings a week. My original idea for an early morning group is still sound. It’s just impractical at the moment with my lifestyle and commitments. I have said that I will make this my regular group, become an active member, and stay to IMAGE therapy (more here about image therapy). In addition, I will also be on her social team. (More about Social Teams here). I also lost 2 lbs. Very happy

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