What is the Slimming World Raffle

What is the Slimming World Raffle

I was still thrilled about my 3-pound weight loss yesterday, so I started to plan what we would eat for today and the rest of the week. Saturday is always a food shopping day, so meal planning becomes even more critical. Before I joined Slimming World, I never really planned my meals, but since joining SlimmingWorld, it has become second nature. We will have a roast on Sunday, so most of the ingredients will be purchased today. As I like fresh vegetables, I always buy them weekly. Meat is from Aldi as they seem to have a better quality meat. Potatoes can be a bit hit-and-miss. I usually get them from Aldi unless Tesco has an offer on them. Other vegetables are purchased from Aldi, Asda and Waitrose. This is also a good time to think about and plan the Slimming World Raffle.

Saturday is also FakeAway night. This is where we select a nationality for our meal; sometimes it’s a homemade MacDonalds, sometimes a Chinese, but tonight it’s Italian. Pasta, bacon and mushrooms with a thick mushroom sauce. It was wonderful, I loved it, and there was enough to save for lunch on Monday.

I made soup

For lunch, I made a homemade leek and potato soup. I’m not sure what I did, but I had some success there. It was my first time making leek and potato soup, and I will make it again.

If you are interested, this is what I did:

Slimming World Raffle leek soup
  • 4 leeks (that’s all I had in the fridge)
  • A small bag of salad potatoes
  • Two vegetable oxo cubes
  • Half an onion.
  • Water.

I’m not a ‘follow a recipe’ type of person, so it’s a case of putting everything in a pan and seeing what happens. Even when I plan a meal, it’s just the basics that I plan and then see what happens. Except for a roast, you don’t mess with a roast.

Back to my leek and potato soup, everything went in a pan, boiled until the potatoes were soft and blended together, using a hand whisk, until nice and smooth. I’m not too fond of lumpy soup. I also added two dairy lea triangle cheeses. We had two slices of bread and a little butter.

Free Food in more ways than one

I am not sure if you have heard of Olio. It’s an app where you can get free fruit and vegetables about to go out of date. Local supermarkets don’t want to put edible food in the bin, so they give it to Olio representatives. These representatives then offer the food for free to anyone who would like it. I have been a member of Olio for some time and have gotten a lot of fruit and vegetables. The leek and potato soup all came from Olio, which means it was free on Slimming World and free financially. A bargain. There are a lot of other apps doing the same thing. You will need to check your local area.

Slimming World Raffle

I wanted to tell you about the Slimming World raffle at any Slimming World Meeting. Whenever you go to a meeting, there will always be a raffle. This is for two reasons firstly it helps to promote healthy eating. Most prizes will be in fruit and vegetables, often with a recipe attached. Other times, it could be a gadget to help you cook better meals. I have also seen raffles of various drinks to indicate what you can drink and how you can make drinks a little more exciting (even without alcohol).

The raffle is a vital part of the meeting as it’s from this pot of money, the consultant will purchase further raffle prizes, and all of the tea, coffee and milk members drink during meetings.

Often, a group will have a taster evening where members bring in their favourite slimming world meal. The fund will also help purchase cutlery, crockery, napkins and cups. Although the raffle is a form of gambling, all Slimming World groups can run the fund up to £50. The fund is the property of the group and not the consultant. To be clear, the group owns the money, and the consultant manages it.

Slimming World Raffle Prizes

Finding prizes can be difficult. My friend, the Slimming World Consultant, is always looking for prizes. She has to find the right balance of spending. Just enough money to make the award substantial so that members want to buy a ticket and cheap enough that the Social Fund has enough money to purchase other items for the group that may be needed.

Out of this fund, the consultant will also purchase additional food diaries and weight loss certificates. All of these things have to be bought from Slimming World. Having said that, Slimming World does provide the stickers members receive.

This little pot of money has a big responsibility and has to be managed carefully. The pot for my group runs typically at about £25.00. However, the post owes me £65.00, so I am subsidising all the teas, coffees, certificates and raffle prizes. I don’t think members realise how important it is. This week, our group took a total of £5.00 because many members were away on holiday. Prizes, milk, and coffee came in at £8.96. If there is no money in the pot, she will have to cover it.

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Slimming World Consultants are Fat and Members

Slimming World Consultants are Fat and Members

Slimming World Consultants are Fat

The day before, the significant weigh-in is always a mix of anticipation and determination. It’s that juncture in the week when you eagerly await the results of your efforts, yet there’s a twinge of apprehension, too. You wonder if the scale will reflect your dedication and choices during the week. The Slimming World approach is unique because it encourages members to embrace a generous and wholesome diet. It’s not about deprivation, but about making mindful selections. This concept sometimes poses a challenge because you consume ample food while striving to shed those extra pounds. It’s easy to forget you’re on a healthy eating journey. However, that’s where discipline and accountability come into play.

Throughout the week, I’ve been consciously aware of my goals. The awareness that I’m on this journey for my well-being and to set an example for my group as a member of the social team. It has remained at the forefront of my mind. Each pound I aim to lose isn’t just a personal victory; it’s a testament to the effectiveness of the Slimming World approach that I can share with everyone. So, as I approach the weigh-in, I know acutely that my progress helps to help others in my group succeed, fostering an environment of motivation, support, and collective achievement. Not only that, as each member signs in, they always ask how I did. Being honest, I tell them.

A Consultant is also a member

Every Slimming World consultant, including my friend, is a member of Slimming World and must pay for their attendance fee at group sessions. It’s a common misconception that consultants receive their membership for free, but that’s not the case. I think that Slimming World believe in leading by example and consultants actively taking part in the Slimming World community, which includes paying our way.

Even if a consultant has achieved significant weight loss, like my friend, she lost 4 stone 5 pounds, and is near her target weight, she is still responsible for the cost of group attendance. In fact, it’s encouraged by Slimming World that consultants attend a separate group to fully experience the benefits of Image Therapy, which is a valuable part of the program. A few consultants choose to weigh in at their own group for convenience and continuity.

To acknowledge their commitment and ensure consultants continue to lead by example, consultants receive a discount on their membership fees. This discount is based on the number of paying members in their group, ranging from 35% to 50%. While they receive this discount, Slimming World still gets a portion of the fee, making it a fair arrangement.

This policy aligns with their dedication to the program and ongoing support for our members. Consultants actively take part in the Slimming World journey alongside those they guide, reinforcing that everyone in this together, sharing our successes and overcoming challenges as a united community. Depending on the number of members you have will depend on the percentage you earn.

A Members weekly fee is £5.95

  • 35% discount gives £1.79 off your membership – still pay £4.16
  • 40% discount gives £2.38 off your membership – still pay £3.57
  • 45% discount gives £2.68 off your membership – still pay £3.27
  • 50% discount gives £2.98 off your membership – still pay £2.97

If you purchase a 6-week countdown, your membership will be

Your 6-week fee would be £29.75

  • 35% discount gives £10.41 off your membership – still pay £19.34
  • 40% discount gives £11.90 off your membership – still pay £17.85
  • 45% discount gives £13.39 off your membership – still pay £16.36
  • 50% discount gives £14.88 off your membership – still pay £14.87

If you purchase a 12-week countdown, your membership will be

Your 12-week fee would be £59.50

  • 35% discount gives £20.83 off your membership – still pay £38.67
  • 40% discount gives £23.80 off your membership – still pay £35.70
  • 45% discount gives £26.87 off your membership – still pay £32.63
  • 50% discount gives £29.75off your membership – still pay £29.75

Slimming World Consultants are Fat

There is considerable debate about slimming world consultants being overweight and stating that they do not have a good image for the brand. I agree with some respect, but what isn’t known or understood is where that consultant started. You are not permitted to begin your Slimming World training until you are 1 stone, (14 pounds) away from your target weight. For some of consultants, that is almost 2 years of hard work. This represents two years of dedication, understanding, and working on the plan. Helping fellow members, supporting them through the tough days, and being part of a thriving and successful slimming group. Consultants don’t just decide one day to change careers. They have been involved in the weight loss process and come from a lot of experience and knowledge.

It is no secret that many of the opponents of Slimming World, usually a fit 20-something who is a personal gym coach, lifestyle coach or health coach, have become obsessed with the fact that some consultants within Slimming World have gained weight. Just like everyone else, they face weight fluctuations and are currently in the process of managing their weight. It’s worth noting that many of these dedicated individuals have experienced changes in their weight due to personal factors such as pregnancy, health issues, and other life circumstances.

In my opinion – Why Slimming World Consultants are Fat

We must approach this matter with the utmost compassion and respect. Criticising someone for their weight when they’re actively addressing this issue is not only unforgivable but also lacks respect and, frankly, shows how crass they are. I wouldn’t consider making unsolicited comments about someone’s appearance on the street or within our community. I believe it’s essential that we extend the same courtesy to Slimming World Consultants.

It’s essential to recognise that Slimming World consultants are deeply knowledgeable about the program, have a thorough understanding of its principles, and are dedicated to following the plan, just like any other member. They are not exempt from the challenges and journeys that come with weight management; in fact, they are actively pursuing their own weight goals with unwavering determination.

As a community, it is our responsibility to cultivate a culture of kindness, empathy, and unwavering support for one another. Instead of criticising or belittling those who have taken on the formidable task of weight loss, we should celebrate their efforts and resilience. We should stand together as a united front, understanding that every journey is unique, and each individual is striving for personal success.

Slimming World consultants are not only guides but also fellow travellers on this road to better health and well-being. They have experienced their share of ups and downs, faced challenges, and celebrated their successes. Their commitment to the program is a testament to their dedication, and we should applaud their courage and perseverance.

Let’s remember that kindness and encouragement can make a world of difference in someone’s weight loss journey. By fostering a supportive community, we create an environment where everyone feels valued and empowered to achieve their goals. So, instead of repeating the narrative that Slimming World Consultants are fat, let us stand together, hand in hand, as we navigate the path to a healthier and happier life.

A recent Consultants Story

I read recently of a consultant who had lost 8 stone in weight. They had done so well and loved the plan, so they became consultants. Unfortunately, her parents became ill, and she was the sole career. Her mum died, leaving her to look after her dad, who had dementia. As a result, she put on a One stone seven pounds. Her focus had been removed from her and placed on her family. She was covering a group, and one of the members came in and had lost a lot of weight, and she complimented her. This member turned to the consultant and said, “Well, it looks like you have been at the pies. Put all your weight back on again”. This consultant continued with the group and was in tears all the way home. is this any way to treat a fellow human being.

Slimming World Consultants give so much to their groups, this attitude is so unfair and to be honest disgraceful.

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It Slimming World Weigh Day

It Slimming World Weigh Day

OK, it’s my Slimming World weigh day today. I have to say that I am a little nervous about what the scales will say. It seems more crucial when I go to weigh at my friends group. She knows me, she knows what my week has been like and what I have done. It’s almost like a secret club. But there is a look of acknowledgement from her that says it all. Don’t muck up my weekly figures. (Yes, all Consultants must record their weekly losses and gains that get reported back to Slimming World. If they don’t get good losses from their members, they have to figure out why. Generally, this means more training and coaching from their team developers).

I have followed the plan as best as I can. On my home scales, there is a loss and quite a nice one, but these are not my home scales. They are not in public, and I have clothes on! Before you start, I know you should only weigh yourself once a week on one set of scales. Logically, I know this, but I have years of standing on a scale and just looking. I will admit that sometimes it can be an unhealthy habit and one I am working on. Depending on the number, it can make or break your day.

Scales and me

When working in Bristol, I remember one of the ladies’ bathrooms had a set of scales. I avoided the bathroom like the plague. If I went in there, I just had to step on them. It’s an addiction. They have this magic-pulling power that is virtually impossible to resist. There you go, my little secret is out.

The weigh day didn’t unfold quite as smoothly as I had hoped. As you know, I decided to join my friends group that is in a town 10 miles from home. The group that starts at 9 a.m. and finishes at 10.30 a.m. However, my business doors, as it were open from 9 am and I start to get calls.

I took a Doggie Bag with me to my Slimming World Weigh Day

As I mentioned I run my own business. As a result, I need to promote that business. Therefore, each Friday, I attend a business networking event in a local hotel to promote that business. As part of that meeting, there is a Full English Breakfast. I am a massive fan of the British Breakfast and enjoy my meal. There is always one small slice of bacon, an egg, half a beef mushroom, half a tomato, a hash brown and a slice of toast. Not very much, if I am honest, and it’s not very well cooked.

However, I decided to take a “doggie bag” with me on this particular occasion. The breakfast and meeting cost around £30.00, and although I don’t mind not eating some of the breakfast on offer, I don’t often turn up at a meeting and sit there while everyone else is eating. I didn’t eat there on this occasion as I was nervous about the weigh-in. Therefore, I discreetly transferred the meal into a trusty doggie bag. I wasn’t that discreet; everyone knew what I was doing. Sometimes, I am just too honest!

Slimming World Weigh Day

I managed to get to my new Slimming World group and duly waited in line to be weighed. It’s such a strange feeling to be a member after such a long time. I made my way over the scales. That black box that every dieter hates. Taking my shoes off, I handed the lady my card, stepped on the scales, and waited for the little beep to stop. Eventually, it told me that I had lost 3 pounds.

Slimming World Weigh Day

I am thrilled that I have lost 3 pounds outwardly. However, the last time I had a first week at Slimming World, I lost 5 pounds and secretly wanted to lose five again. Never mind, I stayed in the group and enjoyed Image Therapy.

A little jealous of 7 pounds

Interestingly, another member had lost 7 pounds in her first week. I was jealous of her loss. I know we are all on different weight loss journeys, but I want hers.

I’m setting my sights on a weight loss goal of 3 pounds again this week. I suspect it might just be 2. Nevertheless, regardless of the outcome, I’m determined to push myself to achieve that 3-pound target. Reflecting on the week that’s just passed, it feels like a positive start to my journey as a Slimming World member.

It’s curious how a seemingly small number on the scale can bring about such a profound sense of accomplishment and joy. It’s not just a number; it’s a symbol of the hard work and dedication I’ve poured into my health and overall well-being throughout the week.

Its just a number

This number represents a myriad of choices and decisions I made during the week. It stands for the resolve I had to choose healthier food options overindulgent ones, to resist that tempting snack, and to embrace physical activity rather than laziness. Every time I consciously tried to reach for a glass of water instead of a hot chocolate, I told you twice. I even ate an apple instead of some chocolate after a very stressful phone call from a client. I incorporated more fruits and vegetables into my meals, ultimately contributing to this number. They all count those countless steps taken in pursuit of an active lifestyle (10,000 for me and recorded on my watch). That number on the scale demonstrates my commitment to a healthier me.

It’s not just about the number; it’s the consistency behind it. Over time, it reflects my journey filled with ups and downs, but most importantly, it’s the unwavering determination to keep moving forward. It’s those moments of resisting the temptation of a sweet treat or staying motivated when progress feels slow. The numerous meals planned (21 in total) focus on nutrition, preparation, and the willpower to say no when needed. It’s the investment in self-care and the belief that each small step matters.

Putting myself under pressure

This little number is a testament to the mental strength I’ve developed along the way. It signifies the ability to push through self-doubt and persevere when the going gets tough. It’s a marker of my evolving relationship with food, where I’ve learned to find balance and moderation while still enjoying the pleasures of eating.

As I look at this number, I see more than just a figure; I see a lifestyle change. It represents a profound transformation, not just in my physical appearance but also in my mindset. I’ve become more mindful, conscious of my choices, and determined to be my best version.

So, why does such a seemingly small number bring so much joy? Because it embodies so much more than its numerical value. It’s a symbol of my dedication to a healthier and happier me. It’s a reminder that every effort, every healthy choice, and every step taken towards well-being is worth it. This little number is the beacon of my journey towards a brighter, healthier future. So, no pressure on next week on y Slimming World Weigh Day at all!

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Slimming World Snacks that Energise, Empower to Enjoy

Slimming World Snacks that Energise, Empower to Enjoy

Slimming World Snacks that Energise, Empower to Enjoy

As I prepare to help my friend run her regular Slimming World group today, I’m still thinking about what she said about yesterday’s cover group. “The group was so much fun”, and she “would certainly go back there again”. How can we make our group like that or is it already and we don’t realise?

The life of a Slimming World consultant can be physically and mentally demanding. One of my favourite things is to watch my friend as she celebrates with a member when there is a win. You can see the love and support over both their faces.

Let’s Talk Snacks

Let me tell you more about the world of the slimming world and snacks—those wonderful morsels that keep us going between meals while staying firmly on our weight loss journey. This is one of the many questions a consultant is always asked. What snacks can I have? When should I eat a snack, and how often can I eat snacks?

The Consultant’s Balancing Act

Before we embark on a snack-filled adventure, allow me to shed some light on the life of a Slimming World consultant, second hand and from a unique perspective. It’s no understatement to say that running a group feels like a theatrical performance. Each week, my friend transform into a motivational force, guiding and uplifting our members, much like a performance on a stage. Being a Slimming World consultant can be both exhilarating and demanding, but it’s a role she wholeheartedly embraces. She’s has to stay positive, build her members up mentally, and set them on the path to a tremendous week ahead.

In group, she has to anticipate the expect needs of her members, boost their self-esteem, encourage them to look forward to the next week and plan for a successful weight loss. All the while, ensure everyone feels heard and involved in the conversation. This dynamic journey, often lasting for three hours, requires constant positivity, cheerfulness, and a wealth of advice. Being at the centre of it all, as the most crucial person in the room, can be an ego trip, but her passion for this role drives her to celebrate and succeed alongside her members. It’s exhausting to watch.

Snacking 101: Fuelling Your Day

Now, let’s dive into the heart of this discussion—snacking. Snacking is a crucial part of our daily routine. A well-timed snack satisfies our cravings and keeps our energy levels up. On the Slimming World plan, snacks are pivotal in helping us stay on track and avoid those mid-meal slip-ups.

The Art of Choice and Moderation

Imagine being told that all you could eat was a lettuce leaf—how discouraging that would be! The beauty of the Slimming World plan is that nothing is off-limits. The philosophy revolves around choice, control, and, most importantly, portion control. Slimming World wants to empower you to make conscious decisions about what you eat and how much you eat.

Smarties as a slimming world snack

So, what about that sweet tooth that occasionally calls your name? Or yells at you so loudly that you are sure the entire world can hear. If a chocolate bar is what you want, go for it. But here’s the trick: choose a smaller bar, typically 25 grams. Depending on the brand and type, this treat will range from 4 to 6 syns. Speaking of my favourites, I’m fond of the bliss bar, at just four syns. Alternatively, Aldi’s tiny white chocolate bars have only six syns. Cadbury’s Twirl is 5 syns and Smarties are 6 syns.

Snacking Without Guilt

Restricting anything we fancy or labelling snacks as ‘bad food’ can often backfire. The “forbidden fruit” becomes even more enticing when those rebellious cravings strike. Whether because you’re feeling down or simply want to challenge yourself. In my experience, there are no foods I cannot eat. Instead, I choose to focus on moderating the amount I consume. Why would you deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying what you love?

A Snacking Reminder: Stay Energised and Empowered

As we wrap up this snacking journey, remember that snacking is more than just appeasing your taste buds. It’s a way to stay energised, maintain your focus, and fuel your daily adventures. With the Slimming World philosophy of choice and control, you can enjoy various snacks while staying on track.


If you feel that slump during the day or 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. are your low points when you reach for something, grab a snack. We want you to stay on plan and not sabotage yourself. Snacks are so important. I have at least one snack every day. What is it I can eat? The simple answer is anything. As I mentioned above, chocolate is my go-to snack.

You choose what you want. No foods are off the list when you are in a slimming world. If you think about it logically, it can’t be. Food surrounds us all the time. If we, as consultants, told you that all you could eat was that lettuce leaf, you wouldn’t come back. You wouldn’t stick to the plan and would achieve your weight loss goals. What we ask is that you restrict the high fat, high-sugar foods, but if you want some, have them, just in moderation.

Here are a few snacks you could have:

  • Eggs, boiled, scrambled, crust-less quiche
  • Chicken drumsticks
  • Ham, boiled strips
  • Banana
  • Apple with Greek Low-Fat Yoghurt and cinnamon or Nut meg
  • Leftover from dinner from the night before.
  • Soup

I’m sure you get the idea from the list above. You can have anything you want. Just make sure it is part of your daily plan. If you want to use your Syns, use them. If you want to have more free food, do so. Remember that you are in control. Think about your portion sizes, food plan for the day, and weight loss goals for the week.

Next time you reach for a snack, savour the delight, embrace the freedom, and remember you have control. It’s your choice. Snacking on your Slimming World journey is about staying positive, taking back control, and making every bite is a conscious, empowering step toward your health and happiness. Enjoy your food and snacks without guilt and have fun.

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Slimming World consultants earn more money covering

Slimming World consultants earn more money covering

Slimming World consultants earn more money covering another Slimming World Consultants group. Let me explain.

One of the cardinal rules for weight loss management is not to get fixated on the number on the scales. Every consultant will tell you that, and every doctor, nurse and weight loss coach will tell you the same thing. If you are looking after your diet, eating better and taking control of your eating, you are doing well. I have never met a dieter who has understood, taken the head off or accepted this fact. Every dieter I know is ruled by the number on the scales.

We all know that the number doesn’t define us. It’s just an arbitrary number that, on the grand scale of things, is miniscule. However, it is the one number that can make or break your day. It’s the one number that emphasises to you and the world your dedication to your weight loss and how well you have done that week. Just like an exam, you are graded on your efforts. It does mean something. It means you are in control, and every slimmer I know wants that number to go down. Just plain and simple.

Stepping on the scales

The other thing a dieter should never do is step on the scales every day. Again, this is controversial. Some people do, and others don’t. It’s just a loose monitor of how you are doing. I go through stages of when I will weigh daily and when I won’t. At the moment, I am weighing officially once a week. Then I weigh at home mid week just to make sure I am staying on track.

How am I doing?

Today, I got on my scales ready for my home weight as a group in about two hours. I only lost half a pound. Half a pound, what the hell! I have been so good. Worked the plan and ensured that I have never gone over my syns. Assured that I have had a third of speed foods on my plate and refused cake and biscuits at my other job. To say I am disappointed is an understatement. My only thought is that I was a bit lax the previous few days before re-joining the new group.

Maybe I did eat well over my daily allowance for food intake. I really couldn’t tell you because I didn’t write it down. Now I only have half a pound to show for it. Before you say anything, I still have four days until my new official weigh-in. If you understand my meaning, I feel very blocked in the rear. I will not beat myself up over this, as I was hoping for a two-pound loss today as I wanted to lose 4 pounds this week.

Standing Tall

This will not ruin my day. I have four meetings today and need my energy for that. I have told some of my clients that I have restarted my weight loss goals and I am honest with them, it keeps me accountable. But I am massively disappointed in the scale number.

Running a Slimming World Group as cover, how much will the Consultant earn?

My friend ran a slimming World group for a colleague, Katie, who is sick today. She has one group, but there are three sessions. If a Consultant is going to make any money, each session should have at least 65 members. then you could earn about £19,000+ per year. However, this group had 83 members. Her first session had 51 members, the second had 10, and the final session had 22. There is room to grow; she will work on that in the next few months. Katie took over this group a few months ago. Before that, the group had 120ish members. For every group, you have to work in the proviso that 20% of the group will not turn up for one reason or another.

Katie’s Income

Other Slimming World consultants covering group isn’t cheap. Katie, for example, has to pay my friend, the covering consultant, a fixed fee of £30 per session. For running Katie’s group, she earned £90. This would be deducted from Katie’s percentage of earnings. Slimming World would not cover any of the fees. This means that Katie made very little. The money she took on the night was £345. Katie had to cover other expenses, including slimming world percentage (in this case, 50% as she has good numbers). Check out this article to discover more about the number of members and percentages. How much does a slimming World Consultant earn.  

  • Income £345
  • Rent £104 (SW will cover 50%)
  • Rent rebate from SW £52

Total £293

  • Slimming Worlds fee 50% of the payments after rent £146.50
  • Cover consultant £90

Katie’s earnings £56.50

This does not include any commission on HiFi bars, magazines and books. This could go to the consultant you are covering if they gave you their stock or my friends if she took her own stock.

As you can see, having cover for a group will take most of the original consultants earnings, if you don’t have the numbers you will end up owning money! My friend has covered for other consultants, and they have ended up owing money, which isn’t good.

My friend said the sessions were fantastic; everyone welcomed her and had questions, and they had a laugh. She did say that the final session was good, but the members were tired and wanted to go home. One of the members started to take over the group, pack the room up, and ask people to put chairs, etc, away. She should have told her to be quiet, but she had literally just finished and was about to ask them to do that, so let it slide. There are times when members of a group tend to bully cover consultants. My friend has said that she doesn’t think she meant to but it comes across as bullying.

Ture Experience for another Slimming World consultants

I had heard of another consultants who has two members in her group who contradict everything she says. During IMAGE Therapy, they give their opinion on what the member should or shouldn’t do. They demean her at every opportunity and talk through her sessions, distracting other members.

She was in discussions with her team developer to either ask the members to leave her group and find a new one or find a way to get them on the side. If I was running a group, I think I would speak to them and ask them to leave if they continued.

These members liked their previous consultant and thought of the group as their group, and as such, they knew how to run the group. They aren’t even on her social team. To add insult to injury, they were target members, so the consultant earned nothing from their attendance. She has lost members because of them.

Picking your Battles as a Slimming World Consultant

I think you pick your battles. This lady wanted to get home; she had been there since 7 p.m., and it was now 8.15, and she wanted to get something to eat. Although my friend didn’t mind what she did, it put a bit of a spoiler on the final session.

If she covers this group again, I think she will know to finish it a little earlier, but they all had a good discussion, and people were talking and sharing stories, which is what it is all about. My friend felt it was a good session and she earnt £90.

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