My Weight Loss Journey: How to bet back on track.

by Dec 12, 2023Slimming World0 comments

Falling off the Wagon on my weight loss journey

You know when people say they have ‘Fallen of the Waggon on their weight loss journey’? Well, I have fallen off, broken all four wheels, eaten the horses, and returned for seconds and then thirds. I know I shouldn’t have. I knew I needed to be strong and create those good eating habits. But that tiny little voice started its chatter. You had to be really quiet to hear it. It started it’s whispering, but only to me:

“Eat the Chocolate; it’s good for you.”

Weight loss journey superhero

So, gather ’round, my friends, for a tale of temptation, chocolate, and the internal struggle we’ve all faced on this magical ride that is our quest, and yes, I say, that is our weight loss journey. I resisted. Believe me, I fought like a superhero, fending off one villain at a time. For three days, I stood firm against the siren call of that little voice in my head. It was a battle of epic proportions, and I was the brave warrior, armed with willpower as my shield and determination as my sword. The goal on this weight loss journey is to be thinner, stand tall and fit into those size 12 jeans. As I said, it is a battle of mighty proportions.

The Warrior Folds

But oh, that voice! It was velvety and soft, bordering on seductive. Then it started to nag and poked at me until it was practically screaming in my ear. “It won’t hurt you,” it said. “It’s just a bit of chocolate!” it said. Famous last words, right? Little did I know, I was about to embark on a journey to the land of regret, powered by the sweet seduction of a specific box of Quality Street, patiently waiting in the cupboard like a mischievous evil baby dragon plotting its holiday mischief. It’s a vicious plot, I tell you, a vicious plot.

So, there I was, facing the forbidden treasure, and in a moment of weakness, I succumbed. I hang my head in shame. I opened the tin, and before I knew it, the wrappers were strewn around me like confetti at a chocolatey celebration. I felt sick, not just from the sugar overload but from the crushing disappointment in myself. Damion, as I’ve now dubbed that little dragon that sits on my shoulder, won this round, and I am left with regret as my not-so-sweet reward.

As an Aside

Now, let’s take a moment to appreciate the absurdity that is the matt wrapper situation. Quality Street, we need the shininess back! I mean, sure, it’s not a life-altering observation, but let’s be honest: a little extra sparkle in our lives wouldn’t hurt.

Back to the main event – my weight loss journey. I’m on the brink, teetering on the edge of my goal weight, a mere two stones away. Yes, it was only a stone and a half a few weeks ago, but picture this: 28 measly pounds. The exact number of the chocolates I inhaled during my moment of weakness. Coincidence? I think not. That universe thingie is yelling and screaming at me. 28, 28, you fool.

In an attempt to redeem myself, here I am, munching on a Danish pastry. Irony, I name thy “weight loss journey”. I claim to be desperate to shed those pounds while my actions scream, “Bring on the pastries!”

Moving Forward on my Weight Loss Journey and the Talk

In a fit of self-reflection, I’m gearing up for a massive talk with myself. The right side of my brain, filled with wants and desires, is having a wrestling match with the left side, currently occupied by that instant gratification dragon in disguise, Damion. It’s a mind maze, a conundrum of cosmic proportions, and I’m just a woman trying to navigate through this mental carnival.

I apologise if you stumbled upon this post seeking inspiration or sage advice. Today, there are no words of wisdom. Just a dissatisfied woman pondering the mysteries of self-sabotage and wondering why she can’t resist the call of the chocolatey abyss when victory is so close. Welcome to the chaos that is the human experience – chocolate edition.

Damion, I name thy, be gone.

Weight Loss Journey with Damion

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