Slimming World Member dislikes her group – but…

Slimming World Member dislikes her group – but…

As an organisation, Slimming World is passionate about its members. They want each member to feel special, supported, and welcomed. All the consultants I have met also feel the same way. They want their members to have a wonderful time when in the group. Slimming World Consultants want their members to achieve their target and have the body they dream of. This is why I was shocked when I met a Slimming World Member dislikes her group.

Uphill struggle when a Slimming World Member dislikes her group

I was helping my friend in a different group this week. This meant I got up at 5 a.m. on a Saturday after working 65 hours at my regular job and helped her run this cover group. The drive was about 20 miles, in the next town, as a local group had lost their regular consultant a few months ago. All the consultants in the area are rallying around to help support the members to ensure they still have a group to go to. To help members stay focused on their weight loss journey and offer guidance.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not after praise. I offered to help my friend as she helps me in so many other ways. And she is a friend and that’s what friends do.

It’s an early start to support Members

Normally, when you arrive at a venue, the Social Team will usually help the covering consultant set up and pack things away. It makes life so much easier, and the volunteers on the Social Team are indeed sent from heaven for their help and support. Without them, the group would not run as smoothly. That’s me, sent from heaven!

With this group, as it is such an early start, the doors open at 8 a.m., means the Slimming World Consultant needs to be there at 7 a.m. to set up. We did all the heavy lifting together. We got 30 chairs, tables, the kit, set up the kitchen and prepared the hall for a warm welcome. The first member arrived at about 7:50 a.m. To be fair, she did help set up the remaining chairs and signs.

This was a double session, meaning the first group would arrive at 8 a.m. and the next at 9:30 a.m.

Members in the First group were a dream. They laughed and enjoyed the meeting, and four members came up after the group to thank my friend and said they now feel inspired and are looking forward to the week ahead. I was slightly chuffed for her and gave her a pat on the back. I won’t repeat what she said to me, but I am sure you can guess.

It’s the scale’s fault

The second group of members arrived, and the first few ladies were lovely. They came in and weighed. Chatted and welcomed us to their group. One lady sat at the weigh station and took care of all the weighs, and we had a good chat. Then things went downhill. One member arrived and just kicked off. She got on the scales, promptly got off, and said,

‘The scales are wrong again; I have been perfect on plan, and they are showing I have put on 3 pounds. That’s not right. I am fed up with coming to the group with different consultants who bring different scales each week. They put them in different places, and they always weigh differently. At home, I lost this week.

She continued:

‘It’s not what I pay my money for, and quite frankly, I want a better consultant’.

I have to be honest; that floored me for a few seconds. I had said hello to her moments before and she was very pleasant. This reaction was unexpected and a little over the top. I felt so bad for my friend. She smiled and tried to engage her in conversation about her week and what she had done. She wasn’t having any of it.

I over heard one of the other ladies in the group approached her, as I was dealing with another member and asked what she meant by that, and she replied that it’s not fair that we get different consultants all the time, and the scales are different each time. This knight in shining armour suggested that she think about what she has just said and that maybe she should reword her comments. She then changed what she said to the real meaning of her statement.

I am fed up with coming to the group and not being supported by a permanent Slimming World Consultant.

Slimming World Member dislikes her group and I understand why

I understand this. If it were me, I would be upset as a member if I had different consultants each week. This showed me that a Slimming World group is more than just a consultant standing up in front of everyone, asking how they are. It’s about creating a community. A place of safety where we can discuss our issues. This lady felt overwhelmed by the number displayed on the scale, but in reality, she was overwhelmed by the situation. My friend works so hard to ensure all her group members are heard all the time.

Life is hard, and what she is looking for is stability. This lady wants a place where she can go to, and be herself, where she is not a wife, a mother, a sister, or a daughter. She is an individual, and she wants to be recognised for her successes and wins. If she does put on weight, she wants to discuss it with a friend who won’t judge her and will support her. This is what a Slimming World group is all about. There is never any judgement within group. It is a place to be yourself; if you have a bad week, you can tell everyone they will be there for you.

When she left the group, she was smiling and accepted some tools my friend gave her. She had a plan in place and was looking forward to the week. I will see her next week if she turns up.

A New Consultant

There was also a discussion in the group about not having a permanent consultant, and she needed to hear an explanation from my friend, a Slimming World representative. She wanted to hear that she understood her frustrations and that although she was a good consultant, my friend is not her consultant. Which makes a massive difference. This group will get their consultant in a few weeks. She is currently on her training courses with Slimming World, so this matter shouldn’t arise again.

When we got in the car, I asked her about the situation; she was kind to the woman. She said that she was just frustrated with her weight increase, had gone off plan and was hitting out at the nearest obstacle. In this case, it was her, and she doesn’t take it personally.

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Slimming World for Free with the NHS: Health, Well-being

Slimming World for Free with the NHS: Health, Well-being

Slimming World Collaboration with the NHS: Health, Well-being, and Slimming World for Free

One of the most remarkable features of Slimming World, which has long resonated with me and is one reason I returned to Slimming World, is its collaboration with the National Health Service (NHS). These two organisations offer a cost-effective weight loss program to those who need and want to lose weight. This incredible initiative, known as “Slimming World on Referral” (SWOR), offers the opportunity to those who satisfy the criteria, usually a recommendation from their doctors to lose some weight, to get 12 weeks of Slimming World for free. You read that correctly you can join your local Slimming World group for free.

The SWOR program presents a 12-week free membership with Slimming World, available to individuals across the United Kingdom. During these 12 weeks, participants can potentially achieve a remarkable transformation, with the potential to lose up to 10% of their body weight when they actively follow the plan (depending on your starting weight).

How you can access Slimming World for Free

To access the Slimming World for free program, you only need a referral from your local doctor’s. Alternatively a designated organisation within your county. This ensures that your weight loss journey is well-suited to your specific health goals and requirements. The initial assessment may involve questions about your weight, health status, and aspirations for weight loss.

In some areas of the country, you can bypass the doctor’s Surgery and go directly to the umbrella organisation running the SWOR programme on behalf of the NHS and Slimming World. (Just type in Slimming World for free and your county in Google or any other browser). You will be issued a passcode once you have met the criteria.

This unique and forward-thinking collaboration between the NHS and Slimming World stands as a beacon of hope and a testament to the growing recognition of the importance of addressing weight-related health concerns. It offers an exemplary model for enhancing overall well-being through personalised weight management programs, nurturing empowerment, and promoting a healthier, happier life.

Once you have your Code

The patient must pass this passcode to the consultant when they arrive at the group. From then on, no one will ever mention your participation in the SWOR program again. Patients who are nervous about the members finding out about the referral need not worry. No one ever knows about the referral. The consultant will enter the code on their payment tablet. The patient, now a member, gets complete access to all Slimming World tools and the support of the group and consultant.

Shall we talk about money concerning Slimming World for Free?

As this is a referral, the consultant will receive a percentage of the fee directly from Slimming World (the percentage rate will depend on the number of paying members you have in your group; check out this post for more information here). Slimming World receives a fee directly from the NHS for the member. The consultant will not get paid if the member does not attend the group. Payment for a consultant with 40 members for a member on referral is circa £2.68 per person per meeting. If they only turn up for one session, the consultant will only receive £2.68. if the member turns up for 8 meetings, they will receive £21.44. (To check out the percentages a Slimming World Consultant earns, you may be interested in this article Weight Loss with a Slimming World Consultant and Empowering Women with Food Optimising).

Many people who join the Slimming World for free are dedicated to their weight loss and turn up regularly and have great success. However, a few people will turn up for the first week or two and then will sporadically turn up and become disappointed when their 12 weeks are up, and they can no longer come to Slimming World. It is explained to them that they need to come every week and cannot select which 12 weeks they want to come.

What happens after the 12-weeks of Slimming World for Free?

Then when the referral period ends, the member can change to become a regular member. All payment options, paying weekly or buying a 6 or 12-week countdown, will be available to them. Slimming World on referral is an excellent way for people to start their weight loss journey and get help, support and encouragement from their consultant and community.

A Difficult Conversation

Today I have had to make a business decision about my weight loss journey. Unfortunately, it is a financial and time decision. Unfortunately, the new group meeting I joined is on a Friday. After two weeks, I have discovered that this is not working for me. I’ve got too many clients asking for help and support. I have too many commitments on a Friday. My day starts at 5:30 a.m. on Friday with business networking and client work. That means I can’t stay in the group. The whole idea of going to a different group was that I could state image therapy. I could turn my phone off, but I find that more distracting. Probably a bit of FOMO.

I had to tell my friend that I can’t join her Friday group and what’s more, step down as a member of her Social Team. Not to worry she said, come to my Tuesday evening group. It’s closer to where you live. You can stay on the Social Team as I was looking for a new Pay Person anyway. What could I say…

Tuesday – My weight loss journey – Week Two

I went to an evening group and weighed in. I didn’t want to go to an evening group because I will be out 4 evenings a week. My original idea for an early morning group is still sound. It’s just impractical at the moment with my lifestyle and commitments. I have said that I will make this my regular group, become an active member, and stay to IMAGE therapy (more here about image therapy). In addition, I will also be on her social team. (More about Social Teams here). I also lost 2 lbs. Very happy

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Empowering Women with Food Optimising and putting yourself first

Empowering Women with Food Optimising and putting yourself first

Alternatively:- Empowering Women on their Food Optimising journey with Slimming World and Prioritising Self-Care and Taking Control – I couldn’t decided on which title to give this article. So its both.

A Feeling of Completeness and tranquillity

As I write this blog post, I’m filled with an inexplicable sense of positivity and an overwhelming feeling of happiness. I can’t put my finger on why. It’s one of those days when the weekend seemed to stretch forever. It feels like I have been away on holiday and am refreshed and ready for the world. I was looking forward to coming into the office, and woe betide anyone who tries to ruin my mood. Food Optimising has been brilliant this weekend, and I have filled up on speed foods and free foods. For more information on these foods, click here.

I usually try to work on my business finances on a Mondays and lock myself away from everyone. However, today was an exception. One of my Slimming World colleagues has been going through a tough time on their weight loss journey. We started at the same time and I have been a more successful then her. I am keen to help and support her. She asked if I wanted to meet up for a coffee and chat. I said yes and knew what she wanted to discuss. Maybe together, we could find out why she is making bad choices and how to get her back on the plan she wants to follow. I am also a life coach and help people reach their personal goals.

The Food Optimising Elephant in the Room

Jackie the Dragon Slayer discusses food-optimising-with-slimming-world

Our conversation meandered through various topics, circling everything except the elephant in the room. Eventually, I had to bring up her weight loss journey and food optimising with Slimming World. Taking a deep breath, she said that she knew what to do. She has done it before but struggles to achieve the weight loss she wants. When we discussed her food optimising choices, I got a sly little smile, a resigned a deep breath, and an honest answer. “I haven’t been making great choices”. We continued our chat about Food Optimising and what steps she could take to help her with better choices, and she left with an action plan.

I also suggested she talk to her consultant, she would also be happy to help.

Thinking about my friend and Food Optimising on Slimming World

She is a busy mum of four. She has two children under the age of 7 and two teenagers. Her husband is out at work and is often away for the week working. The responsibility of looking after the children and the home is left to her. As a result, she is always last on the list. Added to this, one of her parents is seriously ill, and she is a caregiver. She has a lot on her plate.

Is it a trend?

It’s not uncommon for women to put themselves last on the priority list, consistently placing family, friends, and work ahead of their own needs. It’s a selfless act driven by love and responsibility but often leaves little or no energy for self-care. This is what my friend is doing. She is giving everything to everyone except herself. This is when those less-than-ideal food optimising choices have started to creep in. It’s a shame because she is the bedrock of her family, like many other women worldwide. The one person with whom everything revolves.

It’s disheartening when I hear women resign to a perpetual second place in their lives. My message to them is simple: “NO, YOU ARE NOT SECOND; YOU ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD.” I encourage them to find just five or ten minutes to be themselves, to rediscover the passions they had as children. It could be as simple as listening to a favourite song, dancing, taking an exercise class, writing in a journal, or immersing themselves in a book or magazine.

I’m on my high horse – just so you know, a rant is about to follow

Regrettably, too few women take these moments for themselves. Yet, when a woman begins to prioritise herself, she gains control over her life. Whether that involves taking control of her eating habits or embarking on a weight loss journey like, it’s a decisive step toward self-empowerment. And remember, we’re here to offer guidance and unwavering support every step of the way.

When a woman embarks on self-discovery, strengthening her inner resolve, and learning to believe in herself, she undergoes a profound transformation. It’s as if she unlocks a wellspring of untapped potential and resilience, ready to propel her toward her goals and aspirations. This newfound strength is a physical manifestation and a profound shift in mindset and self-perception.

As she nurtures her well-being, tending to her physical, mental, and emotional health, she emerges as a formidable force capable of surmounting any obstacle that crosses her path. The trials and tribulations that once seemed impossible are now mere stepping stones on her journey to greatness. She faces challenges with courage, determination, and a sense of purpose, unshaken by the doubts and insecurities that may have held her back in the past.

A message to all incredible women

To all the incredible women out there, never forget that you are the heroines of your own stories. Your life’s narrative is written by your choices, dreams, and actions. It’s a tale of resilience, strength, and the relentless pursuit of your potential. You are not defined by the roles you play or the expectations placed upon you. Instead, you are defined by your choices and the unyielding belief you hold in your abilities.

In a world that often demands selflessness and sacrifice, prioritising self-care is crucial. This is not an act of selfishness but a necessary investment in your own well-being. When you care for yourself, you become better equipped to care for others, and your impact on the world multiplies exponentially.

So, stand tall, take control of your life, and watch as you radiate with an inner light that can only be ignited when you prioritise your needs and dreams. As you invest in your own growth and happiness, you become the best version of yourself—an inspiration to those around you and a testament to the incredible power that resides within every woman.

You are not alone

Remember that you are not alone in your journey of self-discovery and empowerment. There is a community of women who share your aspirations, dreams, and challenges. Lean on this sisterhood for support, encouragement, and shared wisdom. Together, we can redefine the narrative of what it means to be a woman, breaking free from the constraints of society’s expectations and forging our paths toward success and fulfilment.

So, to all the remarkable women, not just in the Slimming World group, but all women. I say this: Prioritise self-care, nurture your inner strength, and embrace the transformative journey ahead. You are capable of achieving greatness, and your story is one of inspiration and empowerment. Let your light shine brightly, for you are a force to be reckoned with, and the world is a better place with your unique brilliance.

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Why I started dieting, found Slimming World and transformed my eating

Why I started dieting, found Slimming World and transformed my eating

Why did I start dieting?

What a question. Why did I start dieting? I feel like I have been on a diet all my life. My first memory of noticing anything to do with weight started when I was at school, and the school nurse would weigh me at the start and the end of the term. Then I was always underweight and told that I needed to add a few pounds. I didn’t understand what she meant and just carried on with my school life.

My next memory was watching my mother getting dressed for a party, putting on a red dress, and complaining that she was getting fat since she had stopped smoking, and my father had made a few comments about it. She was a size 12. She said she would join a weight-loss club and wanted me to go with her for company and support.

The price of coffee!

I joined her and listened to other women complain about the cost of diet food and the limited selection of diet foods available. These discussions would last for 40 minutes once a week for months. We would have the same debate, but from different people as the membership constantly changes. I refer to this kind of discussion jokingly ‘The price of coffee today is’.

Alternatively, they would moan about having to eat different food from the family and constantly moan about how hard done by they were. The final straw for me came when the instructor turned to the group and told each dieter that they should look at eating food as a treat and make it a performance. Lay the table and make it look beautiful. Turn off the TV and radio and don’t answer the phone and give themselves the gift of 20 minutes to enjoy their meal. I agreed with what she said, but the complaints from the women. Oh no, I can’t not answer the phone; it might be my child needing me. My husband works overseas, and if the phone goes, I will answer. The short-sightedness of what the instructor was trying to say was ignored.

The instructor was trying to say that they should look at their food, and their meal as something to enjoy. Think about what they are eating and be conscious about the food they are putting in their mouths. I was about 14 years old, and the group closed not long after, from memory.

What did I learn about dieting?

What this taught me was that all women should watch their weight. This is part of being a woman, one of the most important aspects of adulthood. A rite of passage. So, I started dieting because at 14; I was a size 10, five foot three, and told I should be a size 8. Moving on several years and dieting successfully and unsuccessfully since then, I managed to get myself to a size 24 and dream of being a size 14 as my ultimate goal. How things change!

It is true to say I started dieting because I wanted to lose weight. It seemed like the logical thing to do; after all, I had been told how to lose weight this way since I was 14. My logic was I was overweight. I should diet to lose weight. But it’s not that simple. Weight loss is complicated, both physically and mentally. It requires a lot of willpower and self-control, which I often lack. And even when you do everything “right”, there’s no guarantee that you will lose weight.

Dieting is such a deeply ingrained part of our culture, and it’s hard to imagine a different eating method. In my early 20s I learnt one style of dieting is not the only answer. I tried Slim Fast and going to the gym three times a week. I tried the cabbage diet, for two days. The 28 days to a better bottom diet, and Rosemary Colony’s diet and exercise. I also followed Susan Powter for a while and Jillian Michaels. For me, it lead to obsessing over food, feeling deprived and unhappy, and eventually giving up and overeating.

My thirties were just the same. So why do I keep doing it? Good question. Partly because I hope that this time will be different, and partly because I don’t know what else to do to stay healthy and look the way I want to. I have found a plan that works for me. I am a massive advocate of it.

Why I Started Dieting and found Slimming World

The Slimming World Food Optimising option works for me and my lifestyle. I like the fact that I can eat anything I want and that I am finding new eating habits. When I joined Slimming World I was over 17 stone. Now, 4 stone lighter I look and feel fantastic. I love the way I feel and that is what this site is about. It’s about my journey and what I have and will learn. It’s about me becoming a Slimming World Consultant and what I am learning and how this role is changing my life. I will tell you the good bits, the bad bits, and those that just don’t really matter to anyone except those who are in Slimming World.

Is this a new diet or way of life?

I have decided to live the life that works for me. A method that doesn’t involve just dieting but also focuses on listening to my body and eating what makes me feel good, physically, mentally, and emotionally. It isn’t easy, but it’s worth it. Because food nourishes us, not punishes us. And our bodies are meant to be loved and respected, not constantly criticised.

If you’re struggling with dieting, I encourage you to explore options that include a reduction in the foods you put in your mouth. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to eating, and what works for me might not work for you. If you’re tired of feeling a failure every time you diet, know that you are not alone. And know that there is another way. Dieting doesn’t have to be your only option–there is hope for something better. Something that feels good instead of bad. Something that leads to self-love instead of self-loathing. You deserve it, as do I. As mentioned above, I have found that Slimming World is working for me. Diet is about numbers. The number of calories you put in your body and the ones you expel through exercise and just living.

In conclusion why I started dieting

If my mother had never started her weight loss program or taken me to her slimming club, I don’t think I would have ever put on so much weight. I’m not blaming her for my adult decisions, but it started a cascade of Yo-Yo dieting and focused on weight, weight loss, and physical appearance. Before then, I did not know the minefield of weight loss and the psychological difficulties of control over your own body. I still want to lose weight, and I still have the image in my head of how I want to look and how I look now. The image that I see may differ from the image you see, but ultimately it’s all about me in my head.

Why I started dieting was personal for me, why did you start? Was it for similar reasons?

There is a link to the Slimming World website; I am not paid for this link but. I thought it might be of use if you wanted to check it out.

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Transforming my Weight Loss with Slimming World Fast Forward Plan

Transforming my Weight Loss with Slimming World Fast Forward Plan

This is day three of my Slimming World Fast Forward Plan.

It was a miserable, horrible day yesterday (13 February 2022). The day you sit inside, turn the TV on and cosy on down with a TV box set and munching a bag of Maltesers or Haribo.  That will not happen, much to my disappointment. I am still strongly resounded to stay on plan and reach my one-week weight loss goal. As always, my personal goal is to keep going, focus on my successes, and learn from failures. Taking each new day and weight loss with grace and… who am I kidding? I want to lose 7 pounds this week.  I have stagnated on my weight loss journey, so my consultant suggested the Slimming World Fast Forward Plan. The current numbers are therefore looking good. It seems to work.

Now The downside of the Fast Forward Plan so far.

It was Sunday yesterday, which means roast dinner was sitting around the dining room table with the family. The Slimming World Fast Forward Plan accommodates a roast but is a very sad roast.

  • 100g roast chicken, without skin
  • 175g potatoes boiled or mashed
  • 70g carrots
  • 75g Savoy cabbage
  • 75g cauliflower florets
  • Free option of 150g of broccoli

I have to tell you. It’s not a lot when it’s on the plate. Especially as the rest of the family had big juicy roast potatoes cooked with the chicken and a mountain of vegetables and gravy. I don’t enjoy being on a diet. The benefits of being on plan and losing weight are the goals. However, sometimes I have to question if it is worth it. I don’t want to be on a diet for the rest of my life, and watching my family eat a full meal while I consumed a tiny portion of it seemed so unfair.

I heard a quote a while ago from Tony Robbins, “Nothing tastes as good as slim feels”. As I eat my small meal, I think about these words.

Slimming world and the family

Most of our meals are home-cooked and adapted to Slimming World menus.  My family is very supportive.  We cook with Fry-light, have increased our fruit and vegetable intake.  We only have low-calorie treats in the house.  The Bliss Bars are a big hit, and only 3 syns each. The salted caramel bliss bars are a big hit in my household. It is like a marathon without nuts.

Am I still enjoying the plan?

Yes, I have to say I am. I have learnt that I have steadily increased my portion sizes without realising it on my regular slimming world eating plan. I have also not included the odd Syn, for example, gravy on my dinner or tomato ketchup on the Friday Fakeaway days.

So, onwards and upwards to Day Four