Maintaining Healthy eating when you receive stressful news

Maintaining Healthy eating when you receive stressful news

Maintaining a healthy eating plan can become incredibly difficult when life throws us unexpected challenges or delivers terrible news. Emotions run high, stress levels surge and the last thing on our minds is often sticking to a structured eating regimen. However, while it may seem daunting, it’s essential to understand that coping with bad news while staying on a healthy eating plan is not impossible. It can be a crucial part of self-care during tough times.

Accept your emotions. Bad news can trigger a range of feelings, such as sadness, anger, or anxiety. Instead of suppressing these emotions, allow yourself to experience them fully. Emotional eating is a typical stress response, but it’s important to recognize when you’re using food as a coping mechanism. Understanding the difference between physical hunger and emotional hunger is vital. If you find yourself reaching for food in response to stress or sadness, take a moment to pause and assess whether you’re hungry or seeking comfort.

Take it one day at a time.

One strategy to stay on track with your healthy eating during difficult times is to focus on self-care activities that don’t revolve around food. Engage in activities that bring you joy and help prevent stress, such as walking, meditation or yoga, spending time with loved ones, or pursuing a hobby. These activities can serve as healthy distractions and provide emotional support.

Maintaining open communication with your support system can be incredibly beneficial. Whether it’s friends, family members, or a support group, sharing your feelings and struggles with others can lighten the emotional burden and provide perspective. Your support system can also offer encouragement and accountability to help you stay committed to your healthy eating goals.

Perfection is not a goal, it’s Healthy Eating long-term.

It’s important to remember that perfection is not the goal when it comes to healthy eating. Allow yourself flexibility and forgiveness. If you’ve veered off course with your healthy eating due to bad news, don’t dwell on the setback. Instead, focus on getting back on track with your next meal or snack. No matter how small, every healthy choice is a step in the right direction.

Incorporating mindfulness techniques into your eating habits can help you stay grounded and make more conscious food choices. Pay attention to your body’s hunger and fullness cues, and practice mindful eating. Finally, remember to be kind to yourself throughout the process. Dealing with bad news is challenging enough without adding additional pressure.

In Conclusion, to Healthy Eating

Staying on healthy eating when faced with bad news requires patience, resilience, and self-awareness. By acknowledging your emotions, seeking support from others, practising self-care, and incorporating mindfulness techniques, you can navigate difficult times while remaining committed to your health and wellness goals.

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Healthy Eating with bad news
A personal journey of the power of visualisation

A personal journey of the power of visualisation

As you are aware, I am on a weight loss journey. I am putting my health and well-being first, along with many others who have joined Slimming World. I am pushing ahead to get the body I want and the health benefits of a slimmer and fitter me. Slimming World has many tools, and I use all of them, but the one I want to discuss today is the Visualisation of Weight Loss. 

I know that embarking on a weight loss journey is a combination of physical and mental challenges. While eating a healthy diet and exercising can play crucial roles, the power of the mind and visualisation should not be underestimated. Indeed, you can see this whenever you join a Slimming World group. Their visuals are all over the place. The group’s warm orange and yellow banners, The Slimming World Certificates and the shiny stickers we receive when we lose weight. Yes, adults enjoy receiving stickers as well.

visualisation on weigh loss

I have started to use visualisation as one of my weight loss tools. I want to share with you the importance of incorporating this powerful tool into your weight loss strategy and how it could help you. This is not to say I am not following the Slimming World Food Optimising Plan because I am. This is just another tool.

Why Visualisation on Weight Loss Matters:

Visualisation is a technique that involves creating a mental image of your desired outcome. When it comes to weight loss, this means vividly imagining yourself at your target weight and embracing the positive changes in your life. The mind is a powerful force, and by aligning your thoughts with your weight loss goals, you can pave the way for success.

When to Start Visualisation on Weight Loss:

Start incorporating visualisation from the very beginning of your weight loss journey. The earlier you integrate this technique, the more it can positively influence your mindset, motivation, and, ultimately, your actions. Visualisation can provide the mental strength needed to overcome challenges, whether you’re just setting out on your journey or hitting a plateau.

Top 10 Tips for Effective Visualisation in Weight Loss:

1 Set Clear Goals

Defining your weight loss goals is the foundational step in your journey. Be specific about what you want to achieve –shedding a certain number of pounds, fitting into a particular dress size, or reaching a specific fitness level. The more detailed and clear your goals, the more tangible they become in your mind, enhancing the effectiveness of your visualisations.

2 Create a Vision Board:

A vision board is a powerful visual aid that brings your goals to life. Collect images that resonate with your aspirations and arrange them on a board. Include pictures of your ideal physique, images of healthy meals, and snapshots of activities you want to engage in. Place your vision board in a prominent location where you’ll see it daily, reinforcing your commitment to the journey ahead.

3 Morning Visualisation Routine:

Begin each day by dedicating a few minutes to focused visualisation of Weight Loss. Close your eyes and picture yourself making positive choices throughout the day. Visualise yourself enjoying a nutritious breakfast, engaging in a satisfying workout, and feeling the energy that comes from living a healthy lifestyle. This sets a positive tone for the day ahead.

4 Positive Affirmations:

Integrate affirmations that resonate with your weight loss journey into your visualisations. Repeat phrases such as “I am strong and resilient,” “I make healthy choices every day,” and “I am transforming my life for the better.” Positive affirmations act as anchors, reinforcing your positive changes and building a solid foundation for your mindset.

5 Use All Your Senses:

Make your visualisations more immersive by engaging all your senses. When imagining your meals, visualise the vibrant colours, savour the taste of nutritious ingredients, and feel the satisfying textures. Envision the sensation of energy coursing through your body during a workout and hear the upbeat music from your favourite playlist. Engaging all your senses makes the Visualisation experience more vivid and exciting.

6 Visualise Overcoming Challenges:

Anticipate and visualise scenarios where challenges arise, such as a tempting dessert or a skipped workout day. Imagine confidently overcoming these obstacles, making healthier choices, and staying on track. This mental preparedness empowers you to face challenges with a positive and determined mindset, reducing the likelihood of setbacks.

7 Celebrate Small Wins:

Regularly take time to Visualise and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Whether it’s sticking to your meal plan, completing a challenging workout, or making a healthier food choice, acknowledge and savour these moments. This positive reinforcement boosts your confidence, builds momentum, and keeps you motivated on your weight loss journey.

8 Incorporate Visualisation into Workouts:

While exercising, visualise the physical changes happening within your body. Picture your muscles getting stronger with each repetition, envision yourself becoming more flexible, and imagine getting closer to your ultimate fitness goal. This mind-body connection enhances your workout experience and reinforces the positive changes.

9 Evening Reflection:

Wind down at the end of the day by reflecting on your achievements. Visualise the positive choices you made throughout the day and replay moments of success in your mind. This reflective practice reinforces your commitment, provides a sense of accomplishment, and sets the stage for continued motivation in the days to come.

10 Stay Consistent with visualisation on Weight Loss:

Like any habit, consistency is crucial for the effectiveness of visualisation. Integrate visualisation into your daily routine – whether in the morning, during workouts, or before bedtime. Consistent practice reinforces positive thinking patterns, strengthens your connection to your weight loss goals, and cultivates a resilient mindset that will carry you through your entire journey.

Conclusion Visualisation on Weight Loss:

In the pursuit of weight loss, it can be a powerful tool that can reshape your mindset and fuel your journey towards a healthier you. By incorporating these visualisation techniques into your routine, you’ll enhance your weight loss experience and cultivate a positive and determined mindset that will contribute to your overall well-being. Remember, the power to transform begins within your mind, visualises your desired success and lets your journey unfold.

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Getting back in the Slimming World Saddle

Getting back in the Slimming World Saddle

Continuing my Slimming and weight loss journey is not merely a personal quest but a grand adventure. I would suggest that it is akin to conquering the heights of Mount Everest. I have pictured my family and friends as my dedicated base camp support team. They are positioned firmly at the mountain’s base, ready to rally behind me with unwavering support. It’s here that I stand, gazing up at the towering peak, feeling a mix of nervousness, fear, and determination about the enormous challenge that lies ahead.

In my continued pursuit of this challenge, I recognise that my weight and appearance isn’t what it should be or how I see myself. I want more, better, smaller. This pivotal moment marks the decision to take further action. To take back control and be the master of my own destiny. So, I decided to rejoin my weight loss group. In my case, I rejoined Slimming World and my friend, the Slimming World consultant I have mentioned in previous posts. For clarity, I had made the decision to stop this weight loss journey as I was getting despondent. However, after some reflection, I am still not happy. I WANT MORE.

Climbing the Mountain

Climbing the Slimming World Mountain

Making this decision was an essential first step toward the transformative journey ahead of me. For me, this is my initial phase, this is Base Camp. Attending my first Slimming World meeting is like getting my equipment ready for the climb. As I walk through that door, take a seat and take that deep breath of relaxation. I am here gearing up for a healthier, happier, lighter me. The mountain looms large, and I know I felt a range of emotions: nervousness, apprehension, and perhaps even doubt. But I know my Slimming World group, my consultant and new friends are here to help me along the way.

Walking through the door to start my slimming journey

Seizing the bull by the horns, I am stepping back into the world of Slimming World. This time I am going to finish this climb that started two years ago. I know I am instantly part of a community of like-minded individuals. By adopting a new perspective on Food Optimising, IMAGE Therapy, and Body Magic; This is marking my transition from Base Camp to Camp 1. Restarting, refocusing, and about to take action to transform my lifestyle. I know the positive changes I need to make when shopping for food, cooking, and eating. My loved ones are my chief cheerleaders, providing continuous encouragement and support. I also know that the new people I meet at my Slimming World group will provide additional support. They will encourage me in ways they don’t even know themselves. We will become a team.

Yet, as my journey unfolds, I know subtle challenges emerge. I know this from my experience of losing weight over the last two years. Well-meaning individuals accidentally introduced small obstacles at Base Camp. The occasional indulgence in a biscuit with coffee or putting a little butter on the vegetables ‘because they taste so much better that way’. These hurdles, though minor, can test my resolve.

Melting the Pounds to a Slimmer Me

As the pounds melt away, I know I will see my newfound vitality and determination that 2024 is my year. This is the year where that final two stones will go. I know that there are going to be weeks where I may YoYo. However, it’s a shared challenge, a reminder that my journey is multifaceted, with its ups and downs. In these instances, my success becomes a personal triumph and hopefully an inspiration for others facing similar struggles.

As I continue to climb, reaching Base Camp 2, I know it will be a testament to my tenacity and determination. I know the climb will become steeper, mirroring last year’s challenges, but I am determined to push beyond my comfort zone. Despite this increasing difficulty of nearing my target, my support team will help me grapple with a mix of emotions, potentially feeling a twinge of envy or discomfort at the remarkable transformation I am undergoing. The changes I embrace, both in my physical appearance and newfound self-assurance, may trigger reactions from those around me and not on the same transformative path. I know I have to persevere for my sanity. Only for me, not for anyone else. It is my time to shine, my time to climb. My time to win.

A Slimming Support Team

As I climb higher, a refreshing wave of encouragement surges from a new support system within my Slimming World group and my Slimming World consultant. These individuals intimately understand the peaks and valleys of the weight loss journey. My new friends offer solidarity, constructive advice, and empathetic understanding. Their support changes tough days into opportunities for personal development and learning.

My journey will become even more than a personal endeavour at this pivotal stage. It transforms into a collective climb. I know this because I have already lost three stone 7 pounds. I know how it works. Our shared experiences and vision for success create a bond that transcends individual struggles. I am preparing to embrace this camaraderie, for in the faces of my fellow climbers, I will find strength, inspiration, and a shared commitment to overcome the obstacles that lie ahead.

Through the twists and turns of my expedition, I know that each step upward is a testament to my resilience and commitment. The summit is within my reach. It’s the promise of a healthier, more vibrant me. The collective passion and purpose of my support network and Slimming World group fuelling my journey, making each challenge an opportunity for growth and each triumph a shared celebration. I will keep climbing with determination and enthusiasm; the summit symbolises my triumphant transformation.

In conclusion

The mountainous path ahead of me is challenging, but I will remember I am not alone. I will embrace the camaraderie of my weight loss group, draw strength from my loved ones at base camp, and let each step forward be a testament to my resilience and determination. The summit of my healthier body and a more vibrant self awaits. With every challenge conquered, I inch closer to the peak of my transformative journey. I will keep climbing and let the encouragement of my support network propel me to new heights! I am worth it, and I am determined to achieve my goal. Two stones to go, three and a half gone. I’m ready…

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How to create A Strategic Approach to Health and Wellness and Setting Goals for 2024

How to create A Strategic Approach to Health and Wellness and Setting Goals for 2024

As we enter 2024, prioritising health and wellness becomes paramount for individuals. Amidst the hustle and bustle of modern life, setting thoughtful and achievable health goals is essential to ensure a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. This guide will explore strategic approaches to setting new health and wellness goals for 2024.

Assessment and Reflection

Before establishing new health goals, it is imperative to conduct a thorough assessment of one’s current health status. Reflect on physical and mental well-being, considering diet, exercise, stress levels, and sleep patterns. This reflective analysis forms the foundation for crafting realistic and personalised health objectives.

Smart Goal Setting

When setting an effective health and wellness goals, it is advisable to follow the SMART criteria – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For example, rather than setting a vague goal like “lose weight,” consider a specific and measurable target such as “achieve a 5% reduction in body weight by June 2024 through a balanced diet and regular exercise.” This precision enhances the clarity and accountability of your goals.

Prioritising Mental Well-being

In the fast-paced environment of the 21st century, mental health is equally crucial as physical well-being. Consider incorporating stress-management techniques, mindfulness practices, or even seeking professional guidance to address any mental health concerns. Allocating time for self-care and relaxation can significantly contribute to a holistic sense of wellness.

Stress Management Techniques:

One key aspect of prioritising mental well-being involves adopting stress management techniques. Incorporating mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, and yoga into daily routines can prove invaluable. These techniques have been shown to reduce stress hormones, improve cognitive function, and enhance emotional well-being. As part of your health goals, consider allocating dedicated time each day for mindfulness exercises to create a mental sanctuary amid the demands of daily life.

Culinary Exploration and Balanced Nutrition

Most countries have a rich culinary heritage, providing an excellent opportunity to explore diverse and nutritious food options. Embrace a balanced diet that incorporates a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Engaging in culinary adventures makes healthy eating enjoyable and could support the local food industry.

Social Connection and Community Engagement

Building and maintaining social connections are integral components of overall well-being. Consider joining local clubs and fitness groups or engaging in community events to foster social relationships. Shared experiences contribute to a sense of belonging and provide motivation and accountability in achieving health goals.

Health Screenings and Preventive Measures

Regular health check-ups and screenings are essential for early detection and prevention of potential health issues. Stay updated on routine screenings and immunisations, and consult healthcare professionals for personalised advice on maintaining optimal health.

Work-Life Balance

The work culture in the twenty-first century is characterised by high expectations and demanding schedules, often contributing to stress and burnout. As part of your health goals, prioritise achieving a healthy work-life balance. Set boundaries on work hours, take regular breaks, and ensure sufficient time for rest and recovery. Striking this balance safeguards mental well-being and enhances overall productivity and job satisfaction.

Digital Detox

The omnipresence of digital devices and constant connectivity can contribute to information overload and a sense of being constantly “plugged in.” Consider incorporating a digital detox into your health goals for 2024. Designate specific times to disconnect from electronic devices, allowing your mind to unwind and rejuvenate. This intentional break from screens can significantly reduce mental fatigue and promote more restful sleep.

Cultivating Positive Relationships

Social connections play a pivotal role in mental well-being. As part of your health goals, focus on cultivating positive relationships with friends, family, and colleagues. Quality interactions contribute to a sense of belonging and emotional support. Plan regular social activities, whether a simple coffee catch-up or a weekend outing, to foster meaningful connections and create a robust support system.

Mind-Body Connection

Acknowledge the profound connection between the mind and body. Engage in activities that promote this mind-body connection, such as regular exercise, which has been proven to release endorphins, the body’s natural mood enhancers.

Setting goals in 2024

Physical activity is a cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle. Depending on your location, you could leverage the country’s picturesque landscapes and historical sites for outdoor activities. Whether it’s a brisk walk in the countryside, cycling through scenic routes, or joining local fitness classes, incorporating regular physical activity enhances cardiovascular health, boosts mood, and aids in weight management. Yoga and tai chi are excellent practices integrating physical movement with mindfulness, fostering a harmonious balance between mental and physical well-being.

Prioritising mental well-being is not just a component of holistic health; it is a cornerstone for leading a fulfilling and resilient life. By incorporating stress management techniques, seeking professional guidance when needed, achieving a healthy work-life balance, embracing digital detox practices, nurturing positive relationships, and recognising the mind-body connection, individuals can ensure that their health goals for 2024 encompass a comprehensive approach to well-being. Remember, a healthy mind is the foundation for a vibrant and purposeful life.

Conclusion when setting goals in 2024

As we embark on the journey of 2024, setting new health and wellness goals should be a priority for every individual by conducting a thorough assessment, adopting the SMART criteria, prioritising mental well-being, exploring balanced nutrition, engaging in regular physical activity, fostering social connections, and embracing preventive measures. You can pave the way for a more fulfilling year ahead. Let 2024 be a year of proactive health management, enabling you to thrive in all aspects of your life.

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How a Dragon Slayer can find time to write?

Goals for the New Year

Life Coach and life planner

How a dragon Slayer can find time to write?

How a dragon Slayer can find time to write?

Hey there, fellow dragon slayers of the corporate world! It’s your friendly life coach and part-time creative writer with world domination in my sights. Weaving dreams and untangling the mysteries of personal and professional growth. Today, let’s dive into the confounding world of being self-employed and wanting to write the next Harry Potter series. How do you find time to write those fantastic blogs and craft tales that could make even a snoozing dragon sit up and notice?

Our top 10 tips – Find time to write when self-employed

Now, let me spill the beans on a secret – being a writer and a life coach has quirks. I spend my days donning two capes – one for the relentless pursuit of helping clients conquer their goals and another for penning down adventures that would make James Bond rethink his career choices. But, oh boy, the struggle is real. The stories in my head are like impatient commuters in a crowded subway, all trying to squeeze out at once and take shape on the blank canvas of my computer screen.

sccred wrting space find time to write

So, how do I, the master of life advice, carve out time for my creative pursuits in the chaotic battlefield of self-employment? Buckle up, my friend. As I share my top ten tips for reclaiming your time and making room for your creative juices to flow, those mystical worlds start to take shape.

Tip 1: Time is Money, Honey!

Picture this: You, in your dragon slayer cape, bravely fighting the forces of procrastination and time-wasting activities. As a self-employed individual, every minute is a currency. Allocate specific time blocks for your writing adventures as you would for client meetings or coffee breaks. Treat your creative time with the same respect you give to your most important business tasks. Trust me; your inner storyteller will thank you.

Tip 2: Delegate Like a Boss

You, my friend, are not a one-person army. Even Buffy had Giles. Consider outsourcing tasks that eat up your precious time, leaving you with the freedom to soar through the realms of your imagination. Hire a virtual assistant, let them handle the mundane, check out the outsourcing websites and watch as your schedule miraculously clears the way for the grand symphony of your imagination.

Tip 3: The Power of Saying ‘No’

Repeat after me: “No.” It’s a complete sentence. As much as I love being everyone’s go-to problem solver, there comes a time when you need to be your own dragon slayer. Politely decline commitments that don’t align with your goals or drain your energy. This isn’t about being rude; it’s about protecting your creative space like a dragon guarding its treasure. Be honest and say “No”.

Tip 4: The Tactical Retreat – Schedule ‘Me’ Time

In battle, even the mightiest warriors need a strategic retreat. Block off chunks of time in your calendar for self-care and creative recharge. Make it non-negotiable, whether a walk in the park, a power nap, or a spontaneous interpretative dance in your living room. Your writing will flourish when you’re firing on all cylinders. Grab a dictaphone or mobile and record your thoughts and stories if you’re out walking. You’re always creative when left alone.

Tip 5: Embrace the Chaos (with a Sidekick)

Life is messy, and so is the creative process. Embrace the chaos, but don’t go at it alone. Find a writing buddy, a fellow wordsmith, or a trusty sidekick who understands the struggles. Together, you can navigate the stormy seas of deadlines and client demands, ensuring your business and creative endeavours thrive. Be accountable to each other.

Tip 6: The Magical Art of Batch Writing

Abracadabra! Imagine summoning a magical writing potion that lets you conjure multiple blog posts in one sitting. Batch writing is your wand for efficiency. Dedicate a block of time to focus solely on your creative endeavours, allowing you to weave several tales simultaneously. It’s like multitasking without the chaos – a writer’s dream come true!

Tip 7: Tech Tools to the Rescue

In the digital age, our sidekicks wear the guise of apps and tools. Embrace technology to streamline your tasks and free up valuable time. Use project management tools to keep your writing projects organised and let scheduling apps be your time-travelling assistants, ensuring you never miss a creative rendezvous.

Tip 8: The Sanctuary of Silence

Every dragon slayer needs a secret lair, and so does your creativity. Designate a sacred writing space where interruptions fear to tread. It could be a cosy corner of your home or a local coffee shop where the hum of activity becomes white noise. Guard this sanctuary fiercely, and let the silence be the canvas for your creative masterpiece.

Tip 9: Unplug to Recharge

It’s time to pull the plug – literally! Take periodic digital detox breaks to recharge your creative batteries. The constant buzz of emails, notifications, and social media can drain your creative energy. Set specific times to disconnect from the digital world and reconnect with the analogue beauty of your imagination.

Tip 10: Celebrate Small Wins

You’re probably familiar with the power of celebration. Apply the same principle to your writing journey. Celebrate the completion of each blog post, no matter how small. Treat yourself to a victory dance, a decadent piece of chocolate (as long as it’s part of a calorie-controlled diet or syned, see my other posts), or a cup of tea in your favourite mug. Acknowledging your achievements fuels the motivation to keep the creative fires burning.

There you have it, my fellow crusaders, find time to write! Our ten tips to reclaim your time, tame the chaos and let your creative spirit soar while maintaining the delicate balance of work and conquering the business realm. Remember, you’re not just here for your clients or boss; you’re a multifaceted dragon slayer with the power to inspire, transform, and write captivating blogs that leave the world spellbound. Now, go forth and unleash your creativity – the adventure awaits!

finding time to write

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